5249 / 1

The Productive Programmer Ссылки

The Productive Programmer

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Книга "Эффективный программист" открывает для программиста эффективные инструменты и методики разработки, применение которых в повседневных задачах на порядок повысит скорость и удобство разработки программного обеспечения.

Anyone who develops software for a living needs a proven way to produce it better, faster, and cheaper. The Productive Programmer offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what platform you use. Master developer Neal Ford not only offers advice on the mechanics of productivity-how to work smarter, spurn interruptions, get the most out your computer, and avoid repetition-he also details valuable practices that will help you elude common traps, improve your code, and become more valuable to your team.
598 / 0

CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development Ссылки

CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that allows you to build clean and sophisticated applications using an MVC (Model View Control) approach.
Putting it in simple terms, an MVC approach provides a clean way to organise your code. Once you understand the concept and become familiar with the CodeIgniter framework, you will be building Web applications in no time.
The book was published by Packt Publishing. Like with all their books, you can download the example code from their support page. The examples are pretty easy to setup. I had no problems getting any of them to work. The details and explanations provided by the author make it very difficult to make a mistake.
5343 / 0

Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame Ссылки

Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame

alex alex, Комментарии (нет)

Like music and movies, video games are rapidly becoming an integral part of our lives. Over the years, you’ve yearned for every new gaming console, mastered each blockbuster within weeks after its release, and have even won a local gaming competition or two. But lately you’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about a game idea of your own, or are exploring the possibility of making a career of this vibrant and growing industry. But where should you begin?

Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame is written with the budding game developer in mind, introducing games development through the Python programming language and the popular Pygame games development library. Authored by industry veteran and Python expert Will McGugan, who most recently worked on the MotorStorm game for Play Station 3, you’ll be privy to insights that will not only help you to exploit PyGame to its maximum potential, but also make you a more creative and knowledgeable games developer all round.

* Create advanced games by taking advantage of the popular open source Python programming language and Pygame games development library.
* Learn step-by-step through the creation of a real-world game (tank warfare), involving gaming preferences, sound, visual effects, and joystick/keyboard interaction.
* Discover the concepts that are crucial to success in today’s gaming industry, such as support for multiple platforms, and granting users the ability to extend and customize your games.

What you’ll learn

* Take advantage of Python and the Pygame library to build compelling cross-platform games.
* Learn to best use these technologies to turn your dream game into reality.
* Create professional games by accounting for sound, special effects, and user interaction through the joystick and keyboard.
* Build both two- and three-dimensional games, and learn more about the factors that contribute to choosing one approach over the other.
* Provide users with the means for extending your games through level creation and custom modifications as a means to build a vibrant community around your product.
* Package your games in a manner that allows even novice computer users to install, use, and update your games with ease.

4351 / 1

Beginning SQL Ссылки

Beginning SQL

alex alex, Комментарии (нет)

SQL works with databases to insert and extract data and is an international standard for manipulating data in databases. This hands-on resource covers everything from a review of SQL basics and database design to creating your own databases and using the SQL language in a variety of database applications. Packed with essential code, theories, concepts, and techniques, as well as a cache of useful examples, this comprehensive text will have you quickly designing your own databases and writing SQL code sufficient for many real-world situations. Practice exercises in each chapter help speed up your comprehension. By the end of the book, you'll be prepared to handle any surprise that SQL might throw your way.
14127 / 1

Professional CodeIgniter Ссылки

Professional CodeIgniter

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (4)

If you’re a PHP developer, you can build Rails-like applications without learning a new language by following the hands-on tutorials in Professional CodeIgniter. In this book, find an overview of MVC and agile technologies, model and schema for products, helpers and libraries, Ajax and Scriptaculous, and explanations of the creation of applications like content management, blogs, and forums. Follow the step-by-step instructions for building and perfecting each application with CodeIgniter, and you will learn how to avoid everyday problems that other reference manuals don’t address.
6932 / 0

Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets Ссылки

Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

  • Build advanced cross-platform applications that support native look-and-feel on Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X, even Pocket PC
  • Master wxWidgets, from start to finish - even if you've never built GUI applications before
  • Leverage advanced wxWidget capabilities: networking, multithreading, data structures, and more
  • CD-ROM: extensive library of development tools, source code, and sample applications

    Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets is the best way for beginning developers to learn wxWidgets programming in C++, and is a valuable resource for experienced wxWidgets programmers looking to expand their skills. This book is a must-have for programmers thinking of using wxWidgets and those already using it.
  • 6001 / 2

    Профессиональное программирование на PHP Ссылки

    Профессиональное программирование на PHP

    БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

    Книга адресована опытным PHP-программистам и разработчикам Web-приложений, проектирующим крупные Web-системы для решения сложных задач. В книге рассматривается пятая версия РНР и новые объектно-ориентированные возможности языка, однако многие рекомендации вполне применимы и для предыдущей версии PHP, a идеи и стратегии повышения скорости и надежности кода, описанные в книге, позволят усовершенствовать код, написанный практически на любом языке высокого уровня.

    В книге рассматривается разработка высокопроизводительных, стабильных и расширяемых PHP-приложений, а также подробно освещаются методики блочного тестирования, обеспечения безопасности, методик кэширования и повышения производительности Web-приложений. Кроме того, в книге достаточно полно описано создание РНР- и Zend-расширений, увеличивающих возможности языка.
    3846 / 1

    Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Ссылки

    Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

    alex alex, Комментарии (нет)

    This book is suitable for use in a university-level first course in computing (CS1), as well as the increasingly popular course known as CS0. It is difficult for many students to master basic concepts in computer science and programming. A large portion of the confusion can be blamed on the complexity of the tools and materials that are traditionally used to teach CS1 and CS2. This textbook was written with a single overarching goal: to present the core concepts of computer science as simply as possible without being simplistic.
    7457 / 1

    Современное проектирование на С++ Ссылки

    Современное проектирование на С++

    БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (6)

    В книге изложена новая технология программирования, представляющая собой сплав обобщенного программирования, метапрограммирования шаблонов и объектно- ориентированного программирования на С++. Настраиваемые компоненты, созданные автором, высоко подняли уровень абстракции, наделив язык С++ чертами языка спецификации проектирования, сохранив всю его мощь и выразительность. В книге изложены способы реализации основных шаблонов проектирования. Разработанные компоненты воплощены в библиотеке Loki, которую можно загрузить с Web-страницы автора. Книга предназначена для опытных программистов на С++.
    18604 / 2

    Литература по созданию игр Ссылки

    Литература по созданию игр

    БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

    Серия книг связанных с гейм мейкерством.
    Начаная от базовых знаних C/C++, DirectX и Opengl, заканчивая теорией игр.

    3485 / -1

    XSLT (Second Edition) Ссылки

    XSLT (Second Edition)

    БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

    After years of anticipation and delay, the W3C finally released the XSLT 2.0 standard in January 2007. The revised edition of this classic book offers practical, real-world examples that demonstrate how you can apply XSLT stylesheets to XML data using either the new specification, or the older XSLT 1.0 standard. XSLT is a critical language for converting XML documents into other formats, such as HTML code or a PDF file. With XSLT, you get a thorough understanding of XSLT and XPath and their relationship to other web standards, along with recommendations for a honed toolkit in an open platform-neutral, standards-based environment. This book: Covers the XSLT basics, including simple stylesheets and methods for setting up transformation engines Walks you through the many parts of XSLT, particularly XSLT's template-based approach to transformations Applies both XSLT 1.0 and 2.0 solutions to the same problems, helping you decide which version of XSLT is more appropriate for your project Includes profuse examples that complement both the tutorial and the reference material The new edition of XSLT has been updated thoroughly to explain XSLT 2.0's many dependencies, notably XML Schema and XPath 2.0. Want to find out how the 2.0 specification improves on the old? This book will explain.
    6814 / 0

    High Performance MySQL (Second Edition) Ссылки

    High Performance MySQL (Second Edition)

    БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

    Второе издание книги "Высокопроизводительный Mysql" значительно переработано по сравнению
    с предыдущей частью. Добавлены и расширены топы по оптимизиции, репликации, резервному копированию (бэкапы)
    и другое. Книга раскроет вам секреты оптимизации работы с базой данных MySQL, которые вы не знали раньше.
    Авторы также приводят результаты тестов (бенчмарков) в подтверждение излагаемых ими материалов. Это
    позволяет читателю понять процессы проходящие в MySQL лучше, чем в другой подобной литературе. Также,
    примеры позволят вам избежать большинства ошибок в будущем при оптимизации запросов MySQL.

    Книга рекомендуется для новичков в MySQL, людей которые уже попробовали MySQL на вкус
    и решили написать первые реальные приложения и конечно для продвинутых пользователей, которые самостоятельно
    настраивали приложения MySQL на должный уровень, но желающие получить дополнительную порцию знаний по этой теме.

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