Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

This book is suitable for use in a university-level first course in computing (CS1), as well as the increasingly popular course known as CS0. It is difficult for many students to master basic concepts in Computer Science and Programming. A large portion of the confusion can be blamed on the complexity of the tools and materials that are traditionally used to teach CS1 and CS2. This textbook was written with a single overarching goal: to present the core concepts of Computer Science as simply as possible without being simplistic.

1. Описание на русском

Эта книга подходит для использования на университетском уровне первого курса в Computing (CS1), а также все более популярные курсы известны как CS0. Это трудно по многим студентам овладеть основными понятиями в информатика и программирование. Значительная часть путаница может винить от сложности инструментов и материалов, которые традиционно используемых для обучения CS1 и CS2. Этот учебник был написан с единой общей цели: представить основные понятия компьютер Наука, как только это возможно без упрощенческими.
Автор: alex
Категория: Веб / Разработка
Добавлен: 11.09.2008 16:18
Просмотров: 3850
Комментарии: 0
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Прикрепленные вложения:
  • Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
    This book is suitable for use in a university-level first course in
    computing (CS1), as well as the increasingly popular course known as
    CS0. It is difficult for many students to master basic concepts in
    computer science and programming. A large portion of the confusion can
    be blamed on the complexity of the tools and materials that are
    traditionally used to teach CS1 and CS2. This textbook was written with
    a single overarching goal: to present the core concepts of computer
    science as simply as possible without being simplistic.
    Ссылка : Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science (Скачали 1152 раз(а))

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