The Productive Programmer
Книга "Эффективный программист" открывает для программиста эффективные инструменты и методики разработки, применение которых в повседневных задачах на порядок повысит скорость и удобство разработки программного обеспечения.
Anyone who develops software for a living needs a proven way to produce it better, faster, and cheaper.
The Productive Programmer
offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt
right away, no matter what platform you use. Master developer Neal Ford
not only offers advice on the mechanics of productivity-how to work
smarter, spurn interruptions, get the most out your computer, and avoid
repetition-he also details valuable practices that will help you elude
common traps, improve your code, and become more valuable to your team.
1. Линия разрыва
You'll learn to:
- Write the test before you write the code
- Manage the lifecycle of your objects fastidiously
- Build only what you need now, not what you might need later
- Apply ancient philosophies to software development
- Question authority, rather than blindly adhere to standards
- Make hard things easier and impossible things possible through meta-programming
- Be sure all code within a method is at the same level of abstraction
- Pick the right editor and assemble the best tools for the job
This isn't theory, but the fruits of Ford's real-world
experience as an Application Architect at the global IT consultancy
ThoughtWorks. Whether you're a beginner or a pro with years of
experience, you'll improve your work and your career with the simple
and straightforward principles in The Productive Programmer.
2. Описание на русском
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Литература / Разработка
28.09.2008 15:13
Прикрепленные вложения:
Название: The Productive Programmer
Автор: Форд Нил
Издательство: Oreilly, 2008 г.
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Размер файла: 4.5 Мб, страниц: 222
Ссылка :
The Productive Programmer (книга)
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Размер файла: 4.5 Мб
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