5079 / 0

Head First Rails: A learner's companion to Ruby on Rails Ссылки

Head First Rails: A learner's companion to Ruby on Rails

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Ready to transport your web applications into the Web 2.0 era? Head First Rails takes your programming -- and productivity -- to the max. You'll learn everything from the fundamentals of Rails scaffolding to building customized interactive web apps using Rails' rich set of tools and the MVC framework.

By the time you're finished, you'll have learned more than just another web framework. You'll master database interactions, integration with Ajax and XML, rich content, and even dynamic graphing of your data -- all in a fraction of the time it takes to build the same apps with Java, PHP, ASP.NET, or Perl. You'll even get comfortable and familiar with Ruby, the language that underpins Rails. But you'll do it in the context of web programming, and not through boring exercises such as "Hello, World!"

Your time is way too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First Rails uses a visually rich format designed to take advantage of the way your brain really works.
3817 / 0

Ruby Best Practices Ссылки

Ruby Best Practices

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

How do you write truly elegant code with Ruby? Ruby Best Practices is for programmers who want to use Ruby as experienced Rubyists do. Written by the developer of the Ruby project Prawn, this concise book explains how to design beautiful APIs and domain-specific languages with Ruby, as well as how to work with functional programming ideas and techniques that can simplify your code and make you more productive. You'll learn how to write code that's readable, expressive, and much more. Ruby Best Practices will help you:

Understand the secret powers unlocked by Ruby's code blocks Learn how to bend Ruby code without breaking it, such as mixing in modules on the fly Discover the ins and outs of testing and debugging, and how to design for testability Learn to write faster code by keeping things simple Develop strategies for text processing and file management, including regular expressions Understand how and why things can go wrong Reduce cultural barriers by leveraging Ruby's multilingual capabilities

This book also offers you comprehensive chapters on driving code through tests, designing APIs, and project maintenance. Learn how to make the most of this rich, beautiful language with Ruby Best Practices.

3894 / 0

Pro Apache, Third Edition Ссылки

Pro Apache, Third Edition

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

This is by far the best ‘know all, end all’ reference, bar none. My hat goes off to Peter Wainwright and Apress for opening up a whole new world to me." — Eric Wolf (a.k.a. "nawlej"), Codewalkers.com This book aims to teach you everything you need to know to build, install, and configure every aspect of Apache, the world's most popular Web server. Two versions of Apache are now available. Apache 1.3 is still widely used and is continuously updated. Apache 2 offers new and powerful features, such as multi-processsing modules and filters, as well as a revised and expanded build system for compiling Apache from source. This book comprehensively covers both server versions, presenting up-to-date information and examples, and highlighting variations bettween the two releases in context. In addition, this book is organized to provide solutions to common problems. It answers the questions that administrators like you typically ask, without requiring that you know the name of a specific Apache module or directive beforehand. This book also demonstrates multiple solutions to a problem, and contrasts the benefits and drawbacks of each approach. After reading Pro Apache, you'll know not only how to get the results you want, but also why a solution works the way it does. Finally, this book examines how to accomplish more advanced configurations, where individual features must cooperate with each other intelligently. Now in its third edition, the expertise found in Pro Apache makes it the definitive guide to harnessing the power of Apache safely and securely.
3828 / 0

Even Faster Web Sites: Performance Best Practices for Web Developers Ссылки

Even Faster Web Sites: Performance Best Practices for Web Developers

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Performance is critical to the success of any web site, and yet today's web applications push browsers to their limits with increasing amounts of rich content and heavy use of Ajax. In this book, Steve Souders, web performance evangelist at Google and former Chief Performance Yahoo!, provides valuable techniques to help you optimize your site's performance.

Souders' previous book, the bestselling High Performance Web Sites, shocked the web development world by revealing that 80% of the time it takes for a web page to load is on the client side. In Even Faster Web Sites, Souders and eight expert contributors provide best practices and pragmatic advice for improving your site's performance in three critical categories:

  • JavaScript--Get advice for understanding Ajax performance, writing efficient JavaScript, creating responsive applications, loading scripts without blocking other components, and more.
  • Network--Learn to share resources across multiple domains, reduce image size without loss of quality, and use chunked encoding to render pages faster.
  • Browser--Discover alternatives to iframes, how to simplify CSS selectors, and other techniques.

Speed is essential for today's rich media web sites and Web 2.0 applications. With this book, you'll learn how to shave precious seconds off your sites' load times and make them respond even faster.

This book contains six guest chapters contributed by Dion Almaer, Doug Crockford, Ben Galbraith, Tony Gentilcore, Dylan Schiemann, Stoyan Stefanov, Nicole Sullivan, and Nicholas C. Zakas.

3578 / 0

Complete Web Monitoring: Watching your visitors, performance, communities, and competitors Ссылки

Complete Web Monitoring: Watching your visitors, performance, communities, and competitors

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Do you really understand your online presence? Are you confident that visitors can use your website? Do you know their motivations? How do online communities perceive your company? To innovate and adapt your business quickly, you must know the answers to these questions. Complete Web Monitoring demonstrates how to measure every aspect of your web presence -- including analytics, backend performance, usability, communities, customer feedback, and competitive analysis -- whether you're running an e-commerce site, a community, a media property, or a Software-as-a-Service company. This book's concrete examples, clear explanations, and practical recommendations make it essential for anyone who runs a website. With this book you will:

Discover how visitors use and interact with your site through web analytics, segmentation, conversions, and user interaction analysis Find out your market's motivations with voice-of-the-customer research Measure the health and availability of your website with synthetic testing and real-user monitoring Track communities related to your online presence, including social networks, forums, blogs, microblogs, wikis, and social news aggregators Understand how to assemble this data into clear reports tailored to your organization and audience

You can't fix what you don't measure. Complete Web Monitoring shows you how to transform missed opportunities, frustrated users, and spiraling costs into online success. "This is a very comprehensive view of just about everything one needs to know about how websites work and what one needs to know about them. I'd like to make this book required reading for every employee at Gomez." -- Imad Mouline, CTO of Gomez

3556 / 0

FreeBSD 6 Unleashed Ссылки

FreeBSD 6 Unleashed

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

FreeBSD is extremely robust and powers some of the largest internet sites in world including Yahoo!. FreeBSD 6 Unleashed provides complete coverage of everything you need to know to use FreeBSD to its full potential, including coverage of FreeBSD 6.0. This edition includes updated coverage of Apache, MySQL and Sendmail, as well as added coverage of PowerPC support for Macintosh G3 and G4 platforms. This is the most up to date, comprehensive reference on the market covering FreeBSD 6.0.

4447 / 0

ajax on rails Файлы

ajax on rails

alex alex, Комментарии (нет)

This book is for web developers wanting to master two of the most promising recent developments in
the field: Ajax and Ruby on Rails. By the end of this book, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to
build richly interactive web applications with Rails.

ajax on rails
6213 / -1

Pro PHP Security: From Application Security Ссылки

Pro PHP Security: From Application Security

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (2)

В теме безопасности PHP, как и в самом PHP есть особенности. В книге рассмотрены новые моменты PHP 5.3, второе издание этой книги по безопасности PHP охватывает основополагающие темы по безопасности, такие как SQL-инъекции, XSS, аутентификации пользователей и безопасной дев на PHP. Крис Снайдер и Том Майер также погружаются в последние события, такие как мобильная безопасность, воздействие Javascript, и преимущества последних нововведений PHP.

Pro PHP безопасность, второе издание - полное руководство для принятия защитных и упреждающих мер безопасности в рамках приложений PHP. Новички в теме безопасности при программировании на PHP найдут много материала по улучшению безопасности своего кода, темы основ шифрования, защищенные протоколы, а также о том, как примирить требования к серверу и безопасности веб-приложений.

Прочитав книгу вы узнаете
5404 / -1

jQuery: Novice to Ninja Ссылки

jQuery: Novice to Ninja

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

JQuery: от новичка до ниндзя - представляет собой подборку решений лучших практик JQuery решений сложных JavaScript проблем. В этой "вопрос-ответ" книге по JQuery, вы найдете готовые к использованию решения, которые помогут вдохнуть новую жизнь в ваши веб-страницы.

Темы книги: - прокрутка, изменение размеров и анимации элементов веб-страницы - таблиц, слайд-шоу и затухающие эффекты - меню, вкладки и панели - кнопки, поля и управления - списки, деревья, и указатели - фреймы, окна, и диалоги - Добавление интерактивности с Ajax - Использование JQuery, Пользовательский интерфейс смена тем - Написание ваших собственных JQuery плагинов

Весь код, используемый для создания каждого решения можно загрузить на сайте издательства. Все примеры просты для понимания, эффективны и кросс-браузерны.

6038 / -1

Pro Zend Framework Techniques: Build a Full CMS Project Ссылки

Pro Zend Framework Techniques: Build a Full CMS Project

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Zend Framework поистине удивительный PHP фреймворк веб приложений, который вдохнул новую жизнь в разработку на PHP. ZF один из наиболее распространенных фреймворков используемых для построения контент-ориентированных веб-сайтов.

Pro Zend Framework CMS предлагает
  • Структурированное руководство для разработчиков PHP, поможет вам создавать более гибкое программное обеспечение быстрыми темпами
  • Четкое ведение через весь процесс создания своей CMS на Zend Framework
  • Идеальный пример написания CMS, чтобы показать, как использовать различные аспекты фреймворка

Что вы узнаете

  • Как структурировать реальное приложение на Zend Framework от начала до конца
  • Как работать с абстрактными (гибкими) структурами данных
  • Как обеспечить безопасность, контроль доступа и аутентификацию с Zend Framework
  • Как создать свою, модульную CMS
  • Как интегрировать веб-сервисы и RSS с Zend Framework
  • Как настроить производительность, удобно обрабатывать ошибки, добавить мультиязычность, и многое другое..
7321 / -1

Zend Framework in Action Ссылки

Zend Framework in Action

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

В книге описаны принципы работы с Zend Framework (ZF) его функции и компоненты. MVC архитектура ZF и ее преимущества. Как интегрировать ZF при использовании веб-сервисов. Хорошая, годная, но немного устаревшая книга для изучения данного фреймворка.
5789 / -1

PHP 5 E-commerce Development Ссылки

PHP 5 E-commerce Development

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Create a flexible framework in PHP for a powerful ecommerce solution

* Build a flexible e-commerce framework using PHP, which can be extended and modified for the purposes of any e-commerce site
* Enable customer retention and more business by creating rich user experiences
* Develop a suitable structure for your framework and create a registry to store core objects
* Promote your e-commerce site using techniques with APIs such as Google Products or Amazon web services, SEO, marketing, and customer satisfaction

In Detail

The popularity of online shopping has increased dramatically over the past few years. There are plenty of options available if you not are planning to build your own e-commerce solution but sometimes it's better to use your own solutions. It may be easy to find an e-commerce system but when it comes to extending it or using it you might come across a lot of difficulties.

This book will show you how to create your own PHP framework that can be extended and used with ease, particularly for e-commerce sites. Using this framework you will be able to display and manage products, customize products, create wish-lists, make recommendations to customers based on previous purchases, send email notifications when certain products are in stock, rate the products online, and much more.

This book helps you build a Model-View-Controller style framework, which is then used to put together an e-commerce application. The framework contains template management, database management, and user authentication management. With core functionality in place, e-commerce-focused features are gradually added to the framework including products, categories, customizable products with different variations and customer input, wish-lists, recommendations, the shopping basket, and a complete order process.

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