Ruby Best Practices

Ruby Best Practices

How do you write truly elegant code with Ruby? Ruby Best Practices is for programmers who want to use Ruby as experienced Rubyists do. Written by the developer of the Ruby project Prawn, this concise book explains how to design beautiful APIs and domain-specific languages with Ruby, as well as how to work with functional programming ideas and techniques that can simplify your code and make you more productive. You'll learn how to write code that's readable, expressive, and much more. Ruby Best Practices will help you:

Understand the secret powers unlocked by Ruby's code blocks Learn how to bend Ruby code without breaking it, such as mixing in modules on the fly Discover the ins and outs of testing and debugging, and how to design for testability Learn to write faster code by keeping things simple Develop strategies for text processing and file management, including regular expressions Understand how and why things can go wrong Reduce cultural barriers by leveraging Ruby's multilingual capabilities

This book also offers you comprehensive chapters on driving code through tests, designing APIs, and project maintenance. Learn how to make the most of this rich, beautiful language with Ruby Best Practices.

1. Об авторе [ENG]

About the Author
Gregory T. Brown is a New Haven, CT based Rubyist who spends most of his time on free software projects in Ruby. His main projects are Prawn and Ruport, and he is also the author of the upcoming book Ruby Best Practices. He also is in possession of a small bamboo plant that seems to be invincible, and he is quite proud of this accomplishment.

2. Описание на русском

3. Об авторе [RUS]

Автор: БончБруевич
Категория: Веб / Разработка
Добавлен: 14.08.2009 19:06
Просмотров: 3817
Комментарии: 0
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Тэги: Ruby

Прикрепленные вложения:
  • Ruby Best Practices
    Название: Ruby Best Practices
    Автор: Gregory Brown
    Издательство: Oreily, 25 June, 2009
    Язык: Английский
    Формат: PDF
    Размер файла: 1.5 Мб, страниц: 328
    Ссылка : Ruby Best Practices (Скачали 1077 раз(а))

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