5777 / 1

Pro PHP Application Performance Ссылки

Pro PHP Application Performance

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

PHP используется миллионом программистов по всему миру. Любой серьезный программист PHP должнен быть в состоянии оптимизировать свои программы на PHP для оптимальной и быстрой работы. Эта книга раскроет для программиста техники, с помощью которых они смогут настроить проекты на лучшую производительности.

Книга "Pro PHP производительность приложений" поможет вам понять все технологии и компоненты, которые играют роль в быстродействии вашего приложения. Когда секунды выполнения программы означают сохранение  и потеря пользователей, важно для всех, иметь планы оптимизации для проекта.  Но, какие компоненты в вашем приложении вы должны анализировать? Как оптимизировать? И как вы можете оценить, насколько хорошо ваше приложение работет? Вот некоторые из вопросов, на которые вы найдете ответы в этой книге.
5218 / 1

Zend Framework 1.8 Web Application Development Ссылки

Zend Framework 1.8 Web Application Development

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Эта книга основана на примерах из реальной практики, проведет вас через процесс создания MVC (модель-представление-контроллер) основанных веб-приложений. Вы будете создавать и развивать скрипт магазина. Книга охватывает общие ошибки и лучшие практики, которые будут полезны для разработчиков. Эта книга для веб-разработчиков PHP, которые хотят начать работать с Zend Framework. Если у вас есть наработки в использовании фреймворка, книга научит вас использовать его наилучшим образом и вы будете создавать качественные приложения. Базовые знания объектно-ориентированного дизайна, будут полезны при прочтении этой книги.
5767 / 1

Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5 Ссылки

Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Это учебник из серии "шаг за шагом" для разработки веб-приложений с использованием Yii. Книга следует канону "сначала - тест", нарастающий, и итеративный подход к разработке программного обеспечения на примере разработки проекта управления задачами, приложение под названием "Trackstar". Если вы программист со знанием PHP объектно-ориентированного программирования и желаете быстро развивать современные, сложные веб-приложения, то эта книга для вас. Предварительных знаний о Yii не требуется, для прочтения этой книгу.
5652 / 1

PHP Team Development Ссылки

PHP Team Development

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Easy and effective team work using MVC, agile development, source control, testing, bug tracking, and more

    * Work more effectively as a team by breaking up complex PHP projects into manageable sub-parts
    * Develop code that is much easier to maintain with source control, agile principles, and project tracking
    * Apply techniques related to process models, collaboration among team members, and continuous long-term improvement
    * A precise guide with examples to illustrate practical benefits

In Detail
Given the nature of the business environment today, organizations that want to build value-added enterprise PHP applications need a team of PHP people rather than an individual. You've got a team! What next? Customizing such applications to meet with organizational objectives and maintaining these applications over time can be quite a tedious task for your team with so many people involved.

In this book, you will explore how you can break up complex PHP projects into simple sub-parts that multiple team members can work on. The book highlights the use of the MVC pattern for separating concerns in the application and agile principles to deliver code that works. You will learn to blend the simplicity and power of PHP with evolving software engineering principles and tools to easily develop code that is easy to maintain. With this book in hand, you know how to avoid getting muddled up while working in a team and achieve success on your project with effective team work.
6329 / 1

Regular Expressions Cookbook Ссылки

Regular Expressions Cookbook

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

This O'Reilly Cookbook provides more than a hundred recipes to help programmers use regular expressions to manipulate text and crunch data. Every programmer needs a grasp of regular expressions, but their power doesn't come without problems--even seasoned users often have trouble tackling performance issues. With recipes for popular programming languages such as C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and VB.NET, this book offers step-by-step solutions to scores of common tasks involving regular expressions. This cookbook will help you:
  • Understand the basics of regular expressions through a concise tutorial
  • Use regular expressions effectively in several programming and scripting languages
  • Learn how to validate and format input
  • Manage words, lines, special characters, and numerical values
  • Find solutions for using regular expressions in URLs, paths, markup, and data exchange
  • Learn the nuances of more advanced regex features
  • Understand how regular expression APIs differ from language to language
  • Write better regular expressions for custom needs

Whether you're a novice or an experienced user, Regular Expressions Cookbook will help deepen your understanding of this tool. You'll learn powerful new tricks, avoid language-specific gotchas, and save valuable time with this huge library of proven solutions to difficult, real-world problems.

4694 / 1

Pro PHP Security Ссылки

Pro PHP Security

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

Pro PHP Security is one of the first books devoted solely to PHP security. It will serve as your complete guide for taking defensive and proactive security measures within your PHP applications. (And the methods discussed are compatible with PHP versions 3, 4, and 5.)

The knowledge you'll gain from this comprehensive guide will help you prevent attackers from potentially disrupting site operation or destroying data. And you'll learn about various security measures, for example, creating and deploying "captchas," validating e-mail, fending off SQL injection attacks, and preventing cross-site scripting attempts.

4644 / 1

Absolute OpenBSD: UNIX for the Practical Paranoid Ссылки

Absolute OpenBSD: UNIX for the Practical Paranoid

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

This straightforward, practical, and complete guide to mastering the powerful and complex OpenBSD operating system, is for the experienced UNIX user who wants to add OpenBSD to his or her repertoire. The author assumes a knowledge of basic UNIX commands, design, and permissions. The book takes you through the intricacies of the platform and teaches how to manage your system, offering friendly explanations, background information, troubleshooting suggestions, and copious examples throughout.
3858 / 1

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Ссылки

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

alex alex, Комментарии (нет)

This book is suitable for use in a university-level first course in computing (CS1), as well as the increasingly popular course known as CS0. It is difficult for many students to master basic concepts in computer science and programming. A large portion of the confusion can be blamed on the complexity of the tools and materials that are traditionally used to teach CS1 and CS2. This textbook was written with a single overarching goal: to present the core concepts of computer science as simply as possible without being simplistic.
6022 / 0

Pro Git Ссылки

Pro Git

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

Git - система контроля версий, разработанная Линусом Торвальдсом для поддержки кода ядра Linux. Git появился в мире открытого ПО в 2005 году, и используется для разработки в небольших конторах и в ряде таких гигантов, как Google, Red Hat, и IBM, и, многие другие проекты с открытым исходным кодом.

  • Книга от экспертов по Git превратит вас в эксперта Git
  • Представляет мир распределенной системы контроля версий
  • Показано, как построить рабочий процесс используя Git

После прочтения книги

  • Использование Git программистами или руководителем проекта.
  • Сможете свободно пользоваться всеми функциями Git.
  • Использовать распределенные особенности Git в полной мере.
  • Приобретает возможность вставки Git в развитии процесса.
  • Миграция проектов из других (SCM) СКВ в Git.
  • Узнаете, как расширить Git.

7941 / 0

Expert PHP 5 Tools Ссылки

Expert PHP 5 Tools

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

Proven enterprise development tools and best practices for designing, coding, testing, and deploying PHP applications

    * Best practices for designing, coding, testing, and deploying PHP applications - all the information in one book
    * Learn to write unit tests and practice test-driven development from an expert
    * Set up a professional development environment with integrated debugging capabilities
    * Develop your own coding standard and enforce it automatically
    * Document your code for easy maintainability for yourself and others

In Detail
Even if you find writing PHP code easy, writing code that is efficient and easy to maintain and reuse is not so straightforward. Self-taught PHP developers and programmers transitioning from other languages often lack the knowledge to work with PHP on an enterprise level. They need to take their PHP development skills to that level by learning the skills and tools necessary to write maintainable and efficient code.

3587 / 0

Developing Large Web Applications: Producing Code That Can Grow and Thrive Ссылки

Developing Large Web Applications: Producing Code That Can Grow and Thrive

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

How do you create a mission-critical site that provides exceptional performance while remaining flexible, adaptable, and reliable 24/7? Written by the manager of a UI group at Yahoo!, Developing Large Web Applications offers practical steps for building rock-solid applications that remain effective even as you add features, functions, and users. You'll learn how to develop large web applications with the extreme precision required for other types of software.

    * Avoid common coding and maintenance headaches as small websites add more pages, more code, and more programmers
    * Get comprehensive solutions for refining HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Ajax for large-scale web applications
    * Make changes in one place that ripple through all affected page elements
    * Embrace the virtues of modularity, encapsulation, abstraction, and loosely coupled components
    * Use tried-and-true techniques for managing data exchange, including working with forms and cookies
    * Learn often-overlooked best practices in code management and software engineering
    * Prepare your code to make performance enhancements and testing easier

4635 / 0

Web Application Design Patterns Ссылки

Web Application Design Patterns

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

A generation has watched the internet work its way into every part of society as talented designers and developers have explored new user interfaces and as the most robust design patterns have emerged through the refining fire of hundreds of millions of users. Pawan Vora has done a wonderful service in capturing these best practices in Web Application Design Patterns. This book will be valuable to people ranging from those putting together their first website to those shaping corporate web experiences, and from practitioners to researchers benchmarking existing patterns as new interface paradigms are created. -- Arnie Lund, User Experience Director, Microsoft

Web Application Design Patterns is a must read if you are in the business of designing web applications, or simply want to understand the elements of a well-designed web application.

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