Facebook API Developers Guide (Firstpress) Ссылки
- Covers all key features of the Facebook API
- Explains the API languages FQL and FBML
- Teaches by example, with useful code and tips you can use in your own applications
What you’ll learn
- Provides “real” language description of the API that’s easy to understand
- Presents multiple API examples that you can use in your own projects
- Fills holes in the official documentation
- Demonstrates integration with other technologies
- Illustrates how adoption of social–technical behavior shapes technology design
- Shows that Facebook development is fun!
Who is this book for?
This book is for web developers wanting to learn how to leverage the API in their own applications or how to create bespoke applications in Facebook. It will also appeal to Facebook users who are interested in using the API to develop their own programs. The code in the book is aimed at the beginner–to–intermediate level, so you don’t need to be a pro to use it, but some programming or web development experience is recommended.
Refactoring HTML: Improving the Design of Existing Web Applications Ссылки
In Refactoring HTML, Elliotte Rusty Harold explains how to use refactoring to improve virtually any Web site or application. Writing for programmers and non-programmers alike, Harold shows how to refactor for better reliability, performance, usability, security, accessibility, compatibility, and even search engine placement. Step by step, he shows how to migrate obsolete code to today’s stable Web standards, including XHTML, CSS, and REST—and eliminate chronic problems like presentation-based markup, stateful applications, and “tag soup.”
The book’s extensive catalog of detailed refactorings and practical “recipes for success” are organized to help you find specific solutions fast, and get maximum benefit for minimum effort. Using this book, you can quickly improve site performance now—and make your site far easier to enhance, maintain, and scale for years to come.
Smarty PHP Template Programming And Applications Ссылки
- Bring the benefits of Smarty to your PHP programming
-Give your designers the power to modify content and layout without PHP programming
-Produce code that is easier to debug, maintain, and modify
-Useful for both Smarty developers and users
Smarty is a templating engine for PHP. Designers who are used to working with HTML files can work with Smarty templates, which are HTML files with simple tags while programmers work with the underlying PHP code. The Smarty engine brings the code and templates together. The result of all this is that designers can concentrate on designing, programmers can concentrate on programming, and they don't need to get in each others way so much. Even if you are developing a site on your own, Smarty is a powerful way to make your code clearer to you and others, as well as easier to debug and modify later.
This book is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of using Smarty. It will help you to:
-Install and configure Smarty on your Web server
- Understand how Smarty affects your web site architecture, and build site foundations that make the most of what Smarty offers
- Designers will learn to work with templates that contain variables
and logic, to modify layouts or content of Smarty web sites
- See how Smarty caching can improve the performance of your sites
- Develop custom Smarty functions and plug-ins to incorporate into your templates
Using a step-by-step approach based on realistic examples, the expert authors show you how to use Smarty in your own PHP development. The book is ideal for PHP developers who are new to Smarty, and for web designers who are working with PHP developers who are using Smarty.
C++ GUI Programming with Qt4 (2nd Edition) Ссылки
Using Trolltech's Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux without source code changes. Now, two Trolltech insiders have written a start-to-finish guide to getting outstanding results with the latest version of Qt: Qt 4.3.
Packed with realistic examples and in-depth advice, this is the book Trolltech uses to teach Qt to its own new hires. Extensively revised and expanded, it reveals today's best Qt programming patterns for everything from implementing model/view architecture to using Qt 4.3's improved graphics support. You'll find proven solutions for virtually every GUI development task, as well as sophisticated techniques for providing database access, integrating XML, using subclassing, composition, and more. Whether you're new to Qt or upgrading from an older version, this book can help you accomplish everything that Qt 4.3 makes possible.
- Completely updated throughout, with significant new coverage of databases, XML, and Qtopia embedded programming
- Covers all Qt 4.2/4.3 changes, including Windows Vista support, native CSS support for widget styling, and SVG file generation
- Contains separate 2D and 3D chapters, coverage of Qt 4.3's new graphics view classes, and an introduction to QPainter's OpenGL back-end
- Includes new chapters on look-and-feel customization and application scripting
- Illustrates Qt 4's model/view architecture, plugin support, layout management, event processing, container classes, and much more
- Presents advanced techniques covered in no other book–from creating plugins to interfacing with native APIs
- Includes a new appendix on Qt Jambi, the new Java version of Qt
PHP 5 CMS Framework Development Ссылки
BSD UNIX Toolbox 1000 plus Commands for FreeBSD Ссылки
This handy, compact guide teaches you to use BSD UNIX systems as the experts do: from the command line. Try out more than 1,000 commands to find and get software, monitor system health and security, and access network resources. Apply the skills you learn from this book to use and administer servers and desktops running FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, or any other BSD flavor.
Expand your BSD UNIX expertise in these and other areas:
- Using the shell
- Finding online software
- Working with files
- Playing with music and images
- Administering file systems
- Backing up data
- Checking and managing running processes
- Accessing network resources
- Handling remote system administration
- Locking down security
Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Step by Step Ссылки
Open Source Development with CVS Ссылки
The best available compromise is the concurrent versioning system (CVS), which introduces proctored code merging into source code management. CVS is ideally suited for worldwide open-source development, and the world is ready for monographs that address the management issues that Per Cederqvist explicitly avoided in his fine 164-page postscript manual distributed with the CVS tar-ball. What is the role of a maintainer/manager in establishing test protocols for code merges? What minimal functional level of developer communications is necessary for merges to remain stable? Is a maintainer-less release possible?
These questions go largely unanswered in Karl Fogel's new Open Source Development with CVS. Fogel's 300-page book consists of chapters alternating between CVS basics and common code maintenance issues. He includes a few anecdotes from open-source lore and lots of nonspecific commonsense guidelines on team software development.
Fogel is at his best when he is engaging us in thinking about what should and should not be under CVS control. He points out that complex relationships exist between developing code and its dependencies on intimately related applications, such as build tools themselves (gcc, autoconf) or partner applications (e.g., the server's client or the client's server). His brief discussion of strategies is too short to be satisfying.
Frustratingly, this book is chock-full of postmodern self-indulgences, such as his boasting reverence for technological ignorance. The discipline needed by good maintainers is missing here; Fogel's informal prose is often grating, and his copious parenthetical remarks are distracting or bullying (they sure are); one wonders where his editor was. Ultimately, his management arguments boil down to an endorsement for the benevolent dictatorship model--a safe conclusion, but one that seems not to use CVS's merging capability for all it's worth. To the question of how to run a project, he responds, "Well, we're all still trying to figure that out, actually." True, and he isn't there yet, but at least he has the questions right. --Peter Leopold --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.The popular first edition was one of the first books available on development and implementation of open source software using CVS. The second edition explains how CVS affects the architecture and design of applications, and has been enhanced with more value-added material covering strategies, third-party tools, scalability, client access limits, and overall server administration for CVS.
Creating Games in C++ : A Step-by-Step Guide Ссылки
The first video game I ever played (at age 13) was Pong. It was a very simple ping-pong simulation. During my teenage years, a few, more advanced games appeared on the market. Most notable were the Atari games such as Missile Command, a nuclear warfare simulator. When I was 19, I went to live for a couple of years in Japan. There I discovered a whole new worldseveral, in fact.
Head First Software Development (Brain-Friendly Guides) Ссылки
With its unique visually rich format, this book pulls together the hard lessons learned by expert software developers over the years. You'll gain essential information about each step of the software development lifecycle -- requirements, design, coding, testing, implementing, and maintenance -- and understand why and how different development processes work.
This book is for you if you are:
- Tired of your customers assuming you're psychic. You'll learn not only how to get good requirements, but how to make sure you're always building the software that customers want (even when they're not sure themselves)
- Wondering when the other 15 programmers you need to get your project done on time are going to show up. You'll learn how some very simple scheduling and prioritizing will revolutionize your success rate in developing software.
- Confused about being rational, agile, or a tester. You'll learn not only about the various development methodologies out there, but how to choose a solution that's right for your project.
- Confused because the way you ran your last project worked so well, but failed miserably this time around. You'll learn how to tackle each project individually, combine lessons you've learned on previous projects with cutting-edge development techniques, and end up with great software on every project.
Pro PHP Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More Файлы
Part 1, OOP and Patterns: This part provides a foundation for advanced OOP concepts. It dives right in and tells you all you need to know about abstract classes, interfaces, static methods, and patterns like the singleton and factory, as well as exceptions. The part concludes
with an introduction to the new features in PHP 6.
Part 2, Testing and Documentation: This part covers all those interesting “peripheral” concepts, like test-driven development and automated deployment. It teaches you about writing great documentation and includes introductions to several documentation standards, including PHPDoc and DocBook. You will find information about the reflection API and learn how to extract metadata from your programs. Finally, you’ll learn about continuous integration and how to use tools like Phing and Xinc to improve your development workflow.
Part 3, The Standard PHP Library (SPL): The SPL contains some of the most advanced PHP code ever written. It offers language support for advanced OOP concepts like indexers and iterators, and also provides structures for exceptions and patterns like observer/reporter. The information in this part will allow you to create much more elegant and well-formed classes than would normally be possible.
Part 4, The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern: MVC is probably the most useful development pattern for PHP developers. It allows you to structure your applications and work in teams using the best resources to get the job done. A strong understanding of this pattern is probably the single most important job qualification for any PHP developer, so this book makes a special effort to fully explain it. This part of the book also introduces you to the
Zend Framework, an MVC-based framework embraced by thousands of PHP companies. It starts with a complete walk-through of how to get a framework application up and running, and then presents the core concepts and advanced features of the Zend Framework.
Part 5, Web 2.0: This part covers all the things you need to know about Web 2.0. You will find information about Ajax and JSON, SOAP web services, and SSL client authentication. This part includes a lot of really useful tutorials, based on personal experience.