6213 / -1

Pro PHP Security: From Application Security Ссылки

Pro PHP Security: From Application Security

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (2)

В теме безопасности PHP, как и в самом PHP есть особенности. В книге рассмотрены новые моменты PHP 5.3, второе издание этой книги по безопасности PHP охватывает основополагающие темы по безопасности, такие как SQL-инъекции, XSS, аутентификации пользователей и безопасной дев на PHP. Крис Снайдер и Том Майер также погружаются в последние события, такие как мобильная безопасность, воздействие Javascript, и преимущества последних нововведений PHP.

Pro PHP безопасность, второе издание - полное руководство для принятия защитных и упреждающих мер безопасности в рамках приложений PHP. Новички в теме безопасности при программировании на PHP найдут много материала по улучшению безопасности своего кода, темы основ шифрования, защищенные протоколы, а также о том, как примирить требования к серверу и безопасности веб-приложений.

Прочитав книгу вы узнаете
5404 / -1

jQuery: Novice to Ninja Ссылки

jQuery: Novice to Ninja

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

JQuery: от новичка до ниндзя - представляет собой подборку решений лучших практик JQuery решений сложных JavaScript проблем. В этой "вопрос-ответ" книге по JQuery, вы найдете готовые к использованию решения, которые помогут вдохнуть новую жизнь в ваши веб-страницы.

Темы книги: - прокрутка, изменение размеров и анимации элементов веб-страницы - таблиц, слайд-шоу и затухающие эффекты - меню, вкладки и панели - кнопки, поля и управления - списки, деревья, и указатели - фреймы, окна, и диалоги - Добавление интерактивности с Ajax - Использование JQuery, Пользовательский интерфейс смена тем - Написание ваших собственных JQuery плагинов

Весь код, используемый для создания каждого решения можно загрузить на сайте издательства. Все примеры просты для понимания, эффективны и кросс-браузерны.

6038 / -1

Pro Zend Framework Techniques: Build a Full CMS Project Ссылки

Pro Zend Framework Techniques: Build a Full CMS Project

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Zend Framework поистине удивительный PHP фреймворк веб приложений, который вдохнул новую жизнь в разработку на PHP. ZF один из наиболее распространенных фреймворков используемых для построения контент-ориентированных веб-сайтов.

Pro Zend Framework CMS предлагает
  • Структурированное руководство для разработчиков PHP, поможет вам создавать более гибкое программное обеспечение быстрыми темпами
  • Четкое ведение через весь процесс создания своей CMS на Zend Framework
  • Идеальный пример написания CMS, чтобы показать, как использовать различные аспекты фреймворка

Что вы узнаете

  • Как структурировать реальное приложение на Zend Framework от начала до конца
  • Как работать с абстрактными (гибкими) структурами данных
  • Как обеспечить безопасность, контроль доступа и аутентификацию с Zend Framework
  • Как создать свою, модульную CMS
  • Как интегрировать веб-сервисы и RSS с Zend Framework
  • Как настроить производительность, удобно обрабатывать ошибки, добавить мультиязычность, и многое другое..
7321 / -1

Zend Framework in Action Ссылки

Zend Framework in Action

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

В книге описаны принципы работы с Zend Framework (ZF) его функции и компоненты. MVC архитектура ZF и ее преимущества. Как интегрировать ZF при использовании веб-сервисов. Хорошая, годная, но немного устаревшая книга для изучения данного фреймворка.
5789 / -1

PHP 5 E-commerce Development Ссылки

PHP 5 E-commerce Development

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Create a flexible framework in PHP for a powerful ecommerce solution

* Build a flexible e-commerce framework using PHP, which can be extended and modified for the purposes of any e-commerce site
* Enable customer retention and more business by creating rich user experiences
* Develop a suitable structure for your framework and create a registry to store core objects
* Promote your e-commerce site using techniques with APIs such as Google Products or Amazon web services, SEO, marketing, and customer satisfaction

In Detail

The popularity of online shopping has increased dramatically over the past few years. There are plenty of options available if you not are planning to build your own e-commerce solution but sometimes it's better to use your own solutions. It may be easy to find an e-commerce system but when it comes to extending it or using it you might come across a lot of difficulties.

This book will show you how to create your own PHP framework that can be extended and used with ease, particularly for e-commerce sites. Using this framework you will be able to display and manage products, customize products, create wish-lists, make recommendations to customers based on previous purchases, send email notifications when certain products are in stock, rate the products online, and much more.

This book helps you build a Model-View-Controller style framework, which is then used to put together an e-commerce application. The framework contains template management, database management, and user authentication management. With core functionality in place, e-commerce-focused features are gradually added to the framework including products, categories, customizable products with different variations and customer input, wish-lists, recommendations, the shopping basket, and a complete order process.
4964 / -1

PHP: The Good Parts: Delivering the Best of PHP Ссылки

PHP: The Good Parts: Delivering the Best of PHP

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Get past all the hype about PHP and dig into the real power of this language. This book explores the most useful features of PHP and how they can speed up the web development process, and explains why the most commonly used PHP elements are often misused or misapplied. You'll learn which parts add strength to object-oriented programming, and how to use certain features to integrate your application with databases.

Written by a longtime member of the PHP community, PHP: The Good Parts is ideal for new PHP programmers, as well as web developers switching from other languages.

* Become familiar with PHP's basic syntax, variables, and datatypes
* Learn how to integrate the language with web pages
* Understand how to use strings, arrays, and PHP's built-in functions
* Discover the advantages of using PHP as an object-oriented language
* Explore how PHP interacts with databases, such as SQLite and MySQL
* Learn input- and output-handling best practices to prevent security breaches

4068 / -1

Beginning PHP 5.3 Ссылки

Beginning PHP 5.3

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Serving as a complete introduction to PHP 5.3, this book walks you through all the major concepts of PHP in a way that's easy to follow, with plenty of code snippets illustrating each concept to aid learning. You'll discover how to install and configure PHP 5.3, how to get started with simple programs, and the basic building blocks of PHP such as variables, operators, expressions, arrays, and objects. Coverage working with files, XML, and MySQL; building Web applications with PHP; exploring the PEAR library; handling e-mail; and creating Web graphics. From the Back Cover A solid introduction to writing powerful web applications using PHP 5.3 As one of the most popular open-source web-programming languages in use today, PHP is an ideal server-side scripting language that connects HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. It allows you to create anything from a simple form-to-email script to a web forum application, a blogging platform, or a content management system. This guide introduces the PHP language and shows how to write powerful web applications using PHP. Looks at the ways that PHP programs interact with web servers and other technologies such as HTML Teaches you how to build robust web applications and change the flow of your scripts with decisions and loops Examines ways to create and use strings, arrays, objects, functions, and files in your scripts Shares tips for creating interactive web forms in PHP, as well as capturing user input Unveils methods for preserving an application's state between page views Offers advice on how to work with MySQLR databases using PHP Includes best practices for using PEAR to speed up your application development Presents techniques for manipulating XML from within your PHP scripts Walks you through the creation and manipulation of web graphics using PHP
4930 / -1

Magento: Beginner's Guide Ссылки

Magento: Beginner's Guide

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Create a dynamic, fully featured, online store with the most powerful open source e-commerce software

  • Step-by-step guide to building your own online store
  • Focuses on the key features of Magento that you must know to get your store up and running
  • Customize the store's appearance to make it uniquely yours
  • Clearly illustrated with screenshots and a working example

4291 / -1

Beginning C# 2008 Databases: From Novice to Professional Ссылки

Beginning C# 2008 Databases: From Novice to Professional

Moo(0_0) Moo(0_0), Комментарии (нет)

Assuming only basic knowledge of C# 2008, Beginning C# 2008 Databases teaches all the fundamentals of database technology and database programming readers need to quickly become highly proficient database users and application developers.

A comprehensive tutorial on both SQL Server 2005 and ADO.NET 3.0, Beginning C# 2008 Databases explains and demonstrates how to create database objects and program against them in both T–SQL and C#. Full of practical, detailed examples, it’s been fully revised and updated for C# 2008 and offers the most complete, detailed, and gentle introduction to database technology for all C# programmers at any level of experience.

  • Comprehensively and concisely explains fundamental database concepts and programming techniques
  • Rich in working examples of both T–SQL and C# programs
  • Covers all the features most database programming ever requires

What you’ll learn

  • How relational databases work and how to use them
  • How C# uses ADO.NET to access databases
  • How to write stored procedures in T–SQL and call them from C# programs
  • How to use XML in database applications
  • How to use LINQ to simplify C# database programming
  • How to install SQL Server 2005 Express and Visual C# 3.0
  • Express and use them to teach yourself database programming by doing it
3912 / -1

Mercurial: The Definitive Guide (Hg) Ссылки

Mercurial: The Definitive Guide (Hg)

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Mercurial: The Definitive Guide takes you step-by-step through ways to track, merge, and manage software projects with this flexible, open source version control system. Used by Mozilla, Python, and various open source projects on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and several variants of Unix, Mercurial permits virtually an infinite variety of methods for development and collaboration, including both centralized and distributed version control. This guide starts with the basics, including how to work with a version repository. You'll learn to use Mercurial to collaborate with others, merge streams of work, manage releases, find and fix mistakes, and more. You'll also get up to speed on advanced uses, such as handling repository events with hooks, and customizing Mercurial's output. Like the versioning system it describes, Mercurial: The Definitive Guide has a strong focus on simplicity to help you learn Mercurial quickly and thoroughly.
3445 / -1

SQL: Practical Guide for Developers Ссылки

SQL: Practical Guide for Developers

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

"This book is not just another SQL text. The author's use of simple yet clear examples to illustrate difficult concepts throughout the text makes this a perfect book for use in an introductory database systems class as a supplement or as an introductory reference for the novice practitioner."
- Paul Fortier, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

"The book lives up to its title: it is a very practical guide. The authors clearly know their SQL and manage to write about the language in a step-by-step style that progresses smoothly from the simple to the more difficult aspects of the language. The profuse use of examples, each with an accompanying motivation and explanation of the results, lets the reader follow even complex topics without a constant struggle. The authors have even included examples that illustrate common errors programmers make, explaining the right way to perform the task. It doesn't hurt that the sample application is based on something everybody uses every day: food."
- Jim Melton, Oracle Corporation

"This book's authors recognize the vast majority of work done with a database is data retrieval (rather than storage) and have focused on this area."
- Australian Personal Computer, March 2006
4270 / -1

Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0 Ссылки

Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Brian Noyes' writing style easily captures your attention as he elaborates on all aspects of data binding in his book. He has a refreshingly clear and crisp delivery as he starts each chapter with a simple tour of each topic, and then leads you into practical concerns for sound practices and extensibility opportunities. Most importantly, as Brian explains approaches to data-binding architecture, patterns of usage, the value of data sets, binding controls and the rest, he always describes how he reaches his recommendations on the topic. This book is perfect for newcomers to .NET 2.0, but also for those that have some experience. Anyone who cares about data in their applications (okay, that should be almost everyone) is guaranteed to learn something new and useful by reading Brian's book." --Michele Leroux Bustamante, IDesign chief architect, Microsoft regional director, and MVP"Brian has saved me a lot of time. I'm writing The Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server 2005 (7th Edition) and I'm not going to have to cover data binding nearly as deeply because Brian has done it for me. His book gets right to the meat of the subject and makes data binding look easy.I was also pleased to see that the book focuses on the misunderstood and under-applied Windows Forms architecture. It's a must-read for anyone trying to make their application more interactive and to leverage the new Visual Studio 2005 technology. I'm planning to point my readers to this resource when they need an in-depth treatment of data binding." --William Vaughn, president, Beta V Corporation"Data binding has finally come of age in Windows applications. Back in the Visual Studio 6.0 days, I ignored data binding completely and wrote my own repetitive code to encapsulate my business logic. With Visual Studio 2005, we finally have a robust and compelling data-binding technology. To ignore it today would make you inefficient and put you behind the curve. Brian delivers a clear and concise discussion of a core topic of development for Windows today. A combination of an easy-to-follow conversational yet technical tone, excellent examples, and solid explanations make this a must-read for any developer writing for Windows or learning to write for Windows."

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