4259 / 0

Building Embedded Linux Systems (Second Edition) Ссылки

Building Embedded Linux Systems (Second Edition)

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

This book is intended first and foremost for the experienced embedded system designer
who wishes to use Linux in a current or future project. Such a reader is expected to be
familiar with all the techniques and technologies used in developing embedded systems,
such as cross-compiling, BDM or JTAG debugging, and the implications of dealing
with immature or incomplete hardware. If you are such a reader, you may want to skip
some of the background material about embedded system development presented early
in some sections. There are, however, many early sections (particularly in Chapter 2)
that you will need to read, because they cover the special implications of using the
Linux kernel in an embedded system.
This book is also intended for the beginning embedded system developer who would
like to become familiar with the tools and techniques used in developing embedded
systems based on Linux. This book is not an introduction to embedded systems, however,
and you may need to research some of the issues discussed here in an introductory
If you are a power user or a system administrator already familiar with Linux, this book
should help you produce highly customized Linux installations. If you find that distributions
install too many packages for your liking, for example, and would like to build
your own custom distribution from scratch, many parts of this book should come in
handy, particularly Chapter 6.
Finally, this book should be helpful to a programmer or a Linux enthusiast who wants
to understand how Linux systems are built and operated. Though the material in this
book does not cover how general-purpose distributions are created, many of the techniques
covered here apply, to a certain extent, as much to general purpose distributions
as they do to creating customized embedded Linux installations.
4083 / 1

Herb Schildt's C++ Programming Cookbook Ссылки

Herb Schildt's C++ Programming Cookbook

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Your Ultimate "How-To" Guide to C++ Programming!

Legendary programming author Herb Schildt shares some of his favorite programming techniques in this high-powered C++ "cookbook." Organized for quick reference, each "recipe" shows how to accomplish a practical programming task. A recipe begins with a list of key ingredients (classes, functions, and headers) followed by step-by-step instructions that show how to assemble them into a complete solution. Detailed discussions explain the how and why behind each step, and a full code example puts the recipe into action. Each recipe ends with a list of options and alternatives that suggest ways to adapt the technique to fit a variety of situations. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced pro, you'll find recipes that are sure to satisfy your C++ programming appetite!

4824 / 0

Practical Prototype and script.aculo.us Ссылки

Practical Prototype and script.aculo.us

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

As a JavaScript developer, you will already be aware of some of the time saving, convenience, and functionality provided to you by JavaScript/Ajax libraries in general. Prototype (www.prototypejs.org) and its sister effects library, script.aculo.us (http://script.aculo.us/), are among the most popular and best–supported JavaScript libraries, and now Prototype Core dev team member Andrew Dupont

has written this book to provide you with an essential guide to getting the most out of using Prototype and script.aculo.us.

Practical Prototype and script.aculo.us will help you leverage the Prototype and script.aculo.us libraries to enhance your day–to–day work, speeding up mundane tasks and providing advanced UI effects in a way that is cross–browser compliant—taking many worries off your shoulders. Take a whirlwind tour of the different time–saving functions and features Prototype provides and how it extends the basic JavaScript objects, including events, Ajax techniques, DOM elements, enumerables, and advanced OOP. Understand how script.aculo.us fits into the wider world of DOM Scripting/DHTML; find out how to use it to enhance your UIs quickly and effectively, with UI controls, effects, and drag and drop; and discover Prototype and script.aculo.us as a platform.

The author avoids needless theory and rhetoric throughout the book, moving you through the topics at a fast pace. He incorporates several real–world examples to help you gain valuable practical experience as you learn. Practical Prototype and script.aculo.us is completely up to date and features server–side examples written in PHP that show the framework can be used effectively in more environments than just Ruby on Rails.

  • Master all the convenience functions of Prototype to speed up your JavaScript/Ajax development.
  • Leverage script.aculo.us to turbo charge your dynamic UIs.
  • Learn from JavaScript expert Andrew Dupont, one of the Prototype Core team members.

What you’ll learn

  • How to use all of the basic timesaving/convenience functions of Prototype
  • How to use enumberables to speed up looping, arrays, etc.
  • How to enhance your Ajax applications with Prototype
  • How Prototype makes working with events and DOM elements a cinch
  • How script.aculo.us fits into DOM Scripting/DHTML
  • How to make use of the basic effects available in script.aculo.us
  • Mastery of UI controls and drag and drop in script.aculo.us
  • How to treat Prototype and script.aculo.us as a platform
  • How to use Prototype and script.aculo.us effectively with PHP and other server–side setups besides Ruby on Rails
2926 / 0

Programming Firefox: Building Rich Internet Applications with XUL Ссылки

Programming Firefox: Building Rich Internet Applications with XUL

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

This is your guide to building Internet applications and user interfaces with the Mozilla component framework, which is best known for the Firefox web browser and Thunderbird email client. Programming Firefox demonstrates how to use the XML User Interface Language (XUL) with open source tools in the framework's Cross-Platform Component (XPCOM) library to develop a variety of projects, such as commercial web applications and Firefox extensions.

This book serves as both a programmer's reference and an in-depth tutorial, so not only do you get a comprehensive look at XUL's capabilities--from simple interface design to complex, multitier applications with real-time operations--but you also learn how to build a complete working application with XUL. If you're coming from a Java or .NET environment, you'll be amazed at how quickly large-scale applications can be constructed with XPCOM and XUL.

Topics in Programming Firefox include:
  • An overview of Firefox technology
  • An introduction to the graphical elements that compose a XUL application
  • Firefox development tools and the process used to design and build applications
  • Managing an application with multiple content areas
  • Introduction to Resource Description Files, and how the Firefox interface renders RDF
  • Manipulating XHTML with JavaScript
  • Displaying documents using the Scalable Vector Graphics standard and HTML Canvas
  • The XML Binding Language and interface overlays to extend Firefox
  • Implementing the next-generation forms interface through XForms
Programming Firefox is ideal for the designer or developer charged with delivering innovative standards-based Internet applications, whether they're web server applications or Internet-enabled desktop applications. It's not just a how-to book, but a what-if exploration that encourages you to push the envelope of the Internet experience.
7252 / 1

Head First SQL: Your Brain on SQL -- A Learner's Guide Ссылки

Head First SQL: Your Brain on SQL -- A Learner's Guide

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (3)

Is your data dragging you down? Are your tables all tangled up? Well we've got the tools to teach you just how to wrangle your databases into submission. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory SQL learning experience, Head First SQL has a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

Maybe you've written some simple SQL queries to interact with databases. But now you want more, you want to really dig into those databases and work with your data. Head First SQL will show you the fundamentals of SQL and how to really take advantage of it. We'll take you on a journey through the language, from basic INSERT statements and SELECT queries to hardcore database manipulation with indices, joins, and transactions. We all know "Data is Power" - but we'll show you how to have "Power over your Data". Expect to have fun, expect to learn, and expect to be querying, normalizing, and joining your data like a pro by the time you're finished reading!
4038 / 1

Programming Web Services with XML-RPC Ссылки

Programming Web Services with XML-RPC

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

XML-RPC, a simple yet powerful system built on XML and HTTP, lets developers connect programs running on different computers with a minimum of fuss. Java programs can talk to Perl scripts, which can talk to ASP applications, and so on. With XML-RPC, developers can provide access to functionality without having to worry about the system on the other end, so it's easy to create web services.

XML-RPC takes web technology in a new direction, giving you a new way to create simple, but powerful, connections between different kinds of programs. After wasting more hours than I care to admit developing and documenting network formats used to exchange relatively simple kinds of information between programs, I was very happy to discover XML-RPC. It would have made all that work much easier.

Whether you integrate systems within a single network or provide services and information to the public as a whole, XML-RPC provides critical layers of abstraction that make it simple to connect different kinds of computing systems without needing to create new standards for every application. Because XML-RPC is built on commonly available HTTP and XML technologies, the costs of implementing it are low. Because XML-RPC focuses sharply on solving a particular kind of problem -- making procedure calls across a network -- it is very easy to learn and implement across a wide variety of systems.

3429 / 0

Expert MySQL Ссылки

Expert MySQL

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Since the enormous number of new features made available with MySQL release 5.0, MySQL has been gaining steam as a viable alternative to database behemoths like Oracle and IBM DB2. MySQL users now have the ability to extend MySQL with new SQL commands, optimize query execution, and embed MySQL within low-resource environments like embedded devices and kiosks.

Expert MySQL, by Dr. Charles A. Bell, is the first book to examine these opportunities in detail, showing you how to wield maximum control over this powerful open source database. Youll learn how to create your own custom storage handlers, ensuring maximum flexibility and speed within your specialized applications. Youll also gain valuable insight into MySQLs architecture and learn how to tweak its behavior through custom changes to the source code.

4195 / -1

Facebook API Developers Guide (Firstpress) Ссылки

Facebook API Developers Guide (Firstpress)

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

The Facebook API allows web developers to create Facebook applications and access Facebook data from other applications. Facebook API Developers Guide covers the use and implementation of the Facebook API—what the key features are and how you can access them. You will learn, through practical examples, the main features of the Facebook API including an introduction to the API–specific languages FQL and FBML. These examples are further supported by the introduction of other technologies like language libraries, relational database management systems, and XML.
  • Covers all key features of the Facebook API
  • Explains the API languages FQL and FBML
  • Teaches by example, with useful code and tips you can use in your own applications

What you’ll learn

  • Provides “real” language description of the API that’s easy to understand
  • Presents multiple API examples that you can use in your own projects
  • Fills holes in the official documentation
  • Demonstrates integration with other technologies
  • Illustrates how adoption of social–technical behavior shapes technology design
  • Shows that Facebook development is fun!

Who is this book for?

This book is for web developers wanting to learn how to leverage the API in their own applications or how to create bespoke applications in Facebook. It will also appeal to Facebook users who are interested in using the API to develop their own programs. The code in the book is aimed at the beginner–to–intermediate level, so you don’t need to be a pro to use it, but some programming or web development experience is recommended.

4446 / 0

ajax on rails Файлы

ajax on rails

alex alex, Комментарии (нет)

This book is for web developers wanting to master two of the most promising recent developments in
the field: Ajax and Ruby on Rails. By the end of this book, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to
build richly interactive web applications with Rails.

ajax on rails
4635 / 2

Object-Oriented JavaScript Ссылки

Object-Oriented JavaScript

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

Once listed in the "nice to have" sections of job postings, these days the knowledge of JavaScript is a deciding factor when it comes to hiring web developers. And rightly so. Where in the past we used to have the occasional few lines of JavaScript embedded in a web page, now we have advanced libraries and extensible architectures, powering the "fat-client", AJAX-type rich internet applications.

JavaScript is the language of the browser, but it's also heavily employed in many other environments: server-side programming, desktop applications, application extensions and widgets. It's a pretty good deal: you learn one language and then code all kinds of different applications. While this book has one chapter specifically dedicated to the web browser environment including DOM, events, and AJAX tutorials, the rest is applicable to all the other environments too.

This book treats JavaScript as a serious object-oriented language, showing you how to build robust, maintainable, and powerful libraries and applications. Along the way, we cover many of the recent innovations such as AJAX, JSON, and interesting design and coding patterns. After reading this book, you'll be prepared to ace your JavaScript job interview and even impress with some bits that the interviewer maybe didn't know. You should read this book if you want to be able to take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication.

What you will learn from this book?

* Learn to think in JavaScript, the language of the web browser
* The basics of object-oriented programming, and how they apply to JavaScript
* Set up and use your training environment (Firebug)
* Master data types, operators, and flow control statements
* Understand functions: usage patterns, variable scope, and built-in functions
* Closures demystified
* Create and use objects
* Understand and use prototypes
* Reuse code with common patterns for inheritance
* Understand and work with the BOM (Browser Object Model)
* The DOM (Document Object Model) - accessing, modifying, adding, and deleting nodes
* Build responsive web pages with AJAX
* JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
* Listen and respond to browser events
* Apply design patterns to solve common problems
* Adopt coding patterns that unleash the unique power of the language
* Make your programs cleaner, faster, and compatible with other programs and libraries
* Achieve missing object-oriented features in JavaScript such as private properties and methods

Who is this book written for?

The book requires no prior knowledge of JavaScript and works from the ground up to give you a thorough grounding in this powerful language. If you do already know some JavaScript, you will find plenty of eye-openers as you discover just what the language can do.

This book takes a do-it-yourself approach when it comes to writing code, because the best way to really learn a programming language is by writing code. You are encouraged to type code into Firebug's console, see how it works and then tweak it and play around with it. There are practice questions at the end of each chapter to help review what you have learned.

4131 / 0

Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect Ссылки

Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

You might think more than enough design books exist in the programming world already. In fact, there are so many that it makes sense to ask why you would read yet another. Is there really a need for yet another design book? In fact, there is a greater need than ever before, and Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect fills that need!
  • Teaches you how to write an API that will stand the test of Time
  • Written by the designer of the NetBeans API at Sun
  • Based on best practices, scalability, and API design patterns

What you’ll learn

  • What an API is and what the theories are behind good API design
  • When and why to build an API
  • API design patterns applicable to all programming languages, especially modern, object–oriented languages
  • How to optimize and test APIs

Who is this book for?

This book is recommended to every API architect who prefers a bit more engineering design over a purely artistic one.

5343 / 0

Android Essentials Ссылки

Android Essentials

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (3)

Android Essentials is a no–frills, no–nonsense, code–centric run through the guts of application development on Google’s Mobile OS. This book uses the development of a sample application to work through topics, focusing on giving developers the essential tools and examples required to make viable commercial applications work. Covering the entirety of the Android catalog in less than 150 pages is simply impossible. Instead, this book focuses on just four main topics: the application life cycle and OS integration, user interface, location–based services, and networking.
  • Thorough, complete, and useful work on the nuts and bolts of applicatio development in Android
  • Example driven and practically minded
  • A tool for hobbyists and professionals who want to create production–quality applications

What you’ll learn

  • Understand how an Android application functions and communicates with the handset that hosts it.
  • Comprehend the complexities of timers, services, and multimedia playback.
  • Create and display a rich mix of custom–rendered screens and tailored Android widgets.
  • Understand how location–based services are becoming more and more important in the mobile world.
  • See how to use Google’s powerful Map tool.
  • Explore the intricacies of network connectivity in the mobile world.

Who is this book for

This book is for professional software engineers looking to move their ideas and applications into the mobile space with Android. The author assumes the reader has a passable understanding of Java. They should be able to write classes and handle basic inheritance structures. This book also targets hobbyist developers looking to negotiate the complex minefield of mobile software.

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