Learning jQuery 1.3 Ссылки
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Techniques covered include state- and goal-based behavior, inter-agent communication, individual and group steering behaviors, team AI, graph theory, search, path planning and optimization, triggers, scripting, scripted finite state machines, perceptual modeling, goal evaluation, goal arbitration, and fuzzy logic.
Created by world-renowned programming instructors Paul and Harvey Deitel, “Visual C# 2005 How to Program, Third Edition” introduces all facets of the C# 2005 language through the Deitels' signature "Live Code™ Approach", that features hundreds of working programs. This book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the major innovations Microsoft has incorporated in Visual C# 2005 and .NET; The many new platform features covered include: LINQ (Language Integrated Query), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), ASP.NET Ajax and the Microsoft Ajax Library, Silverlight-based rich Internet application development, and creating Web services with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). New language features introduced in this edition: automatic properties, object initializers, partial classes and methods, anonymous methods, Lambda expressions, extension methods, anonymous types, and collection initializers. Extensively updated coverage of delegates.and more sophisticated techniques, including searching, sorting, data structures, generics, and collections. Appendices provide essential programming reference material on topics ranging from number systems to the Visual Studio Debugger, UML 2 to Unicode and ASCII. Appropriate for all basic-to-intermediate level Visual C# 2008 programmers.
In The Definitive Guide to symfony, you will learn about the Model-View-Controller architecture and the crucial role it plays in making frameworks like symfony possible. The book also covers framework installation and configuration, and shows you how to build pages, deal with templates, manage requests and sessions, and communicate with databases and servers. You will see how symfony can make your life easier by effectively managing form data, enhancing the user experience with Ajax, internationalizing applications for a global audience, and using smart URLs. Authors François Zaninotto and Fabien Potencier put a strong emphasis on the tools that symfony provides for professional environments, showing you how to take advantage of unit tests, scaffolding, plug-ins, the command line, and extensible configuration. And since frameworks often raise performance-related debate, this book will give you many tips and techniques for monitoring and improving your application's performance, from caching to expert configuration tweaks.
CakePHP is a leading PHP–based web app development framework. When asking a question on forums or chat rooms, many CakePHP beginners get little help from the experts. Simple questions can get a response like, “Well, just read the online manual and API.” Unfortunately, the online manual is depreciated, and who wants to absorb a programming language or framework from an API? Beginning CakePHP will do the following:
Silverlight is a lightweight browser plug–in that frees your code from the traditional confines of the browser. It’s a rules–changing, groundbreaking technology that allows you to run rich client applications right inside the browser. Even more impressively, it’s able to host true .NET applications in non–Microsoft browsers (like Firefox) and on non–Microsoft platforms (like Mac OS X). Silverlight is still new and evolving fast, and you need a reliable guidebook to make sense of it.
With four–color graphics and screenshots throughout, Pro Silverlight 2 in C# 2008 is the perfect reference: you’ll learn about the features that put Silverlight in direct competition with Adobe Flash, such as rich support for 2D drawing, animations, and media playback, and best of all, you’ll experience the plumbing of .NET and the design model of WPF through Silverlight—all of the same .NET technology that developers use to design next–generation Windows applications. Author Matthew MacDonald provides an expertly crafted tutorial written from professional developer to professional developer. You’ll learn to create rich media applications using Silverlight in the environment you’re most productive in–no matter what the target platform.
If you’ve been using PHP for sometime now and would like to start using a web framework, you’ll want to try CakePHP, which is an open source rapid development web framework built on PHP.
PHP experts Kai Chan and John Omokore guide you through a variety of practical CakePHP applications. You will work on projects such as a video gallery, unit testing application, an e–commerce app, a blog site, and much more. Practical CakePHP Projects covers the key architectural concepts as well as including mini projects that you can use to enhance your own applications.