3887 / 1

The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design Ссылки

The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design is a special book—it will tell you all you need to know to design great web sites that are standards compliant, usable, and look great, but not overwhelm you with waffle, theory, and obscure details. It is designed to be invaluable to you, whatever stage you are at in your career, with a mixture of practical tutorials and reference material—beginners will quickly pick up the basics, while more experienced web designers and developers will keep returning to the book again and again to recap on techniques they maybe haven't used for a while, or look up properties, attributes and other details. It is destined to become a close friend, adopting a permanent place on your desk. It starts off by giving a brief introduction to the internet, and the broad area of web design, before diving straight in to HTML and CSS basics, reusing code, other best practices. It then focuses on all the most important areas of a successful web site—typography, images, navigation, tables, layouts, forms and feedback (including ready made PHP scripts for you to use,) and browser quirks, hacks and bugs. The book is completely up-to-date, covering support of the newest standards in all the latest browsers, including IE 7 and Firefox 2. The last chapter of the book provides several case studies for you to dissect and learn from, including all the most popular web site archetypes—a blog, a store front, a corporate home page, and an online gallery. Then the book is rounded off with several detailed reference appendices covering CSS, HTML, Color references, entities, and more, meaning that any details you need to look up are close at hand.
  • This book will teach you everything you need to know to create professional CSS and HTML web sites
  • Up to date &emdash; covering support of the newest standards in all the latest browsers, including IE 7 and Firefox 2
  • Includes practical real world tutorials, essential reference sections, and case studies.

What you'll learn

  • The basics of HTML and CSS web design
  • How to implement effective layouts, tables, images, navigation, forms and typography on web sites
  • How to deal with cross browser issues, including quirks, bugs, and hacks on IE 7 (and older versions,) Firefox, Safari, Opera, and all other major browsers.
  • How to make sure your sites are both usable and accessible
  • How to implement several different styles of web front-end, through several complete case studies, including a blog, a store front, and an online gallery
  • Detailed References are also provided so you don't need to learn every little detail of CSS and HTML
4245 / 1

Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns Ссылки

Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

his is a solutions book for styling HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1 with CSS 2.1. It contains more than 350 design patterns you can put to use right away. Each design pattern is modular and customizable, and you can combine patterns to create an unlimited number of designs.

Each design pattern has been thoroughly tested and proven to work in all major web browsers including Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 2, Opera 9, and Safari 2. All the content in this book is usable and practical. You won’t waste time reading about things that don’t work! With this book, you will no longer have to use hacks, tricks, endless testing, and constant tweaking in multiple browsers to get something to work.

Using a design pattern is as easy as copying and pasting it into your code and tweaking a few values. This book shows you which values you can modify and how they affect the result so you can create the exact style and layout you want—without worrying whether it will work.

This is more than a cookbook. It systematically covers every usable feature of CSS and combines these features with HTML to create reusable patterns. Each pattern has an intuitive name to make it easy to find, remember, and talk about. Accessibility and best practices are carefully engineered into each design pattern, example, and source code.

You can read straight through the book, use it as a reference, and use it to find solutions. You’ll love how the book’s consistent layout makes it a joy to use.
4148 / 0

Building Dynamic Web 2.0 Websites with Ruby on Rails Ссылки

Building Dynamic Web 2.0 Websites with Ruby on Rails

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework ideally suited to building business applications, accelerating and simplifying the creation of database-driven websites. It has been developed on the Ruby platform.

This book is a tutorial for creating a complete website with Ruby on Rails (RoR). It will teach you to develop database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller pattern. It will take you on a joy ride right from installation to a complete dynamic website. All the applications discussed in this book will help you add exciting features to your website. This book will show you how to assemble RoR's features and leverage its power to design, develop, and deploy a fully featured website.
4080 / 0

Ruby on Rails Web Mashup Projects Ссылки

Ruby on Rails Web Mashup Projects

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

A web mashup is a new type of web application that uses data and services from one or more external sources to build entirely new and different web applications. Web mashups usually mash up data and services that are available on the Internet—freely, commercially, or through other partnership agreements. The external sources that a mashup uses are known as mashup APIs.

This book shows you how to write web mashups using Ruby on Rails—the new web application development framework. The book has seven real-world projects—the format of each project is similar, with a statement of the project, discussion of the main protocols involved, an overview of the API, and then complete code for building the project. You will be led methodically through concrete steps to build the mashup, with asides to explain the theory behind the code.
4676 / 0

Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6 Ссылки

Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

his book updates the bestselling Drupal: Creating Blogs, Forums, Portals, and Community Websites for Drupal 6, the latest, much improved version of this popular open-source Content Management System. Targeting readers with little experience in website design, unfamiliar with PHP, MySQL or HTML, and with little to no experience of Drupal, it looks pragmatically at the steps needed from knowing you want a website right through to designing and building it like a pro, and then successfully managing and maintaining it. Experienced author David Mercer uses a friendly, engaging style that is clear and concise, allowing readers to advance rapidly until they can tackle any problem with confidence. Drupal is an elegantly designed, well-supported and flexible open-source CMS platform that empowers anyone to create a website or blog and is rapidly becoming first choice of people in the know. With this powerful tool you need not pay professionals to design a site; you can do the job yourself.
8449 / 2

Learning jQuery Ссылки

Learning jQuery

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that can enhance your websites regardless of your background. In this book, creators of the popular jQuery learning resource, learningquery.com, share their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm about jQuery to help you get the most from the library and to make your web applications shine. For designers, jQuery leverages existing CSS and HTML skills, allowing you to dynamically find and change any aspect of a page. This book provides a gentle introduction to jQuery concepts, allowing you to add interactions and animations to your pages-even if previous attempts at writing JavaScript have left you baffled. For programmers, jQuery offers an open -source, standards-compliant, unobtrusive approach to writing complex JavaScript applications. This book will guide you past the pitfalls associated with AJAX, events, effects, and advanced JavaScript language features, as well as provide you with a reference to the jQuery library to return to again and again. This book begins with a tutorial to jQuery, followed by an examination of common, real-world client-side problems, and solutions for each of them. A detailed reference rounds off the book, making it an invaluable resource for answers to all your jQuery questions. Who this book is written for This book is for web designers who want to create interactive elements for their designs, and for developers who want to create the best user interface for their web applications. The reader will need the basics of HTML and CSS, and should be comfortable with the syntax of JavaScript. No knowledge of jQuery is assumed, nor is experience with any other JavaScript libraries required.

+ В дополнение легкий мануал с перечнем основных функций (250Кб), очень полезный при работе с JQeury.
8747 / 0

jQuery in Action Ссылки

jQuery in Action

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

A good web development framework anticipates what you need to do and makes those tasks easier and more efficient; jQuery practically reads your mind. Developers of every stripe-hobbyists and professionals alike-fall in love with jQuery the minute they've reduced 20 lines of clunky JavaScript into three lines of elegant, readable code. This new, concise JavaScript library radically simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages.

jQuery in Action, like jQuery itself, is a concise tool designed to make you a more efficient and effective web developer. In a short 300 pages, this book introduces you to the jQuery programming model and guides you through the major features and techniques you'll need to be productive immediately. The book anchors each new concept in the tasks you'll tackle in day-to-day web development and offers unique lab pages where you immediately put your jQuery knowledge to work.

There are dozens of JavaScript libraries available now, with major companies like Google, Yahoo and AOL open-sourcing their in-house tools. This book shows you how jQuery stacks up against other libraries and helps you navigate interaction with other tools and frameworks.

jQuery in Action offers a rich investigation of the up-and-coming jQuery library for client-side JavaScript. This book covers all major features and capabilities in a manner focused on getting the reader up and running with jQuery from the very first sections. Web Developers reading this book will gain a deep understanding of how to use jQuery to simplify their pages and lives, as well as learn the philosophy behind writing jQuery-enhanced pages.
6700 / 1

Test Driven Development: By Example Ссылки

Test Driven Development: By Example

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Clean code that works - now. This is the seeming contradiction that lies behind much of the pain of programming. Test-driven development replies to this contradiction with a paradox-test the program before you write it.

A new idea? Not at all. Since the dawn of computing, programmers have been specifying the inputs and outputs before programming precisely. Test-driven development takes this age-old idea, mixes it with modern languages and programming environments, and cooks up a tasty stew guaranteed to satisfy your appetite for clean code that works-now.

Developers face complex programming challenges every day, yet they are not always readily prepared to determine the best solution. More often than not, such difficult projects generate a great deal of stress and bad code. To garner the strength and courage needed to surmount seemingly Herculean tasks, programmers should look to test-driven development (TDD), a proven set of techniques that encourage simple designs and test suites that inspire confidence.

By driving development with automated tests and then eliminating duplication, any developer can write reliable, bug-free code no matter what its level of complexity. Moreover, TDD encourages programmers to learn quickly, communicate more clearly, and seek out constructive feedback.

Readers will learn to:

  • Solve complicated tasks, beginning with the simple and proceeding to the more complex.

  • Write automated tests before coding.

  • Grow a design organically by refactoring to add design decisions one at a time.

  • Create tests for more complicated logic, including reflection and exceptions.

  • Use patterns to decide what tests to write.

  • Create tests using xUnit, the architecture at the heart of many programmer-oriented testing tools.

This book follows two TDD projects from start to finish, illustrating techniques programmers can use to easily and dramatically increase the quality of their work. The examples are followed by references to the featured TDD patterns and refactorings. With its emphasis on agile methods and fast development strategies, Test-Driven Development is sure to inspire readers to embrace these under-utilized but powerful techniques.

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php|architect's Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide Ссылки

php|architect's Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (1)

Zend's new PHP 5 Certification Exam represent an excellent tool for professional PHP developers who want to distinguish themselves in their field. php|architect's Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide, edited and produced by the publishers of php|architect magazine, provides the most comprehensive and thorough preparation tool for developers who wish to take the exam. This book provides complete coverage of every topic that is part of the exam, including: ? PHP Basics ? Functions ? Arrays ? Strings and Patterns ? Web Programming ? Object Oriented Programming ? Database Programming ? Object-oriented Design ? XML and Web Services ? Security ? Streams and Network Programming ? Differences Between PHP 4 and 5 Written by PHP professionals and Zend Certified PHP 5 Engineers Davey Shafik and Ben Ramsey, and reviewed by core PHP developer Derick Rethans, this is the perfect book for every prospective Zend Certified PHP Engineer candidate!

With PHP breaking new ground in the enterprise arena, the establishment of a ratified certification was, some might say, inevitable. However, for me, it couldn’t come soon enough—and I was ecstatic when Zend launched their PHP 4 Certification. With more than 1,500 certified engineers to date, there is no doubt that their endeavour has been a success.

Now, with the introduction of the long-awaited PHP 5 certification, Zend has once again raised the bar for PHP developers everywhere. This examination is much broader, and requires much more than just theoretical knowledge—in order to pass the test, candidates need real-world knowledge in addition to a solid theoretical background.

The effect of the PHP 5 certification, for me, is even more profound than that of the original certification, and I believe that it will become the gold standard for those looking to hire PHP-centric Web Developers. I think that it is apt to consider Zend’s work a job well done, and to applaud those who invest the time and effort needed to become Zend Certified Engineers.
4783 / 0

Practical Subversion, Second Edition Ссылки

Practical Subversion, Second Edition

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

Practical Subversion, Second Edition draws on the experience of its authors, Daniel Berlin and Garrett Rooneyboth Subversion project membersto guide you through a complete introduction to this popular code management solution. And this edition has been updated to reflect the most recent changes to the popular Subversion version control system. After a crash course on Subversions key features, including a theme project that youre encouraged to follow, youll explore best practices, migration tips for moving from other versioning solutions, Subversion integration, and an overview of the Subversion APIs.

Effective developers and system administrators alike understand that their success is related to their ability to manage the dozens, sometimes hundreds, of files that they come into contact with on a regular basis. This file management includes determining a files changes over time, accommodating simultaneous edits by multiple users, and even reverting a file to an earlier version if a mistake or deletion has been made. Capitalizing on such capabilities requires a version control system like Subversion. Youll want to pick up a copy of this book because it is

  • The most up-to-date book on the popular Subversion version control system
  • Authored by two Subversion project contributors
  • More than a mere introduction, covering best practices, migration issues, and more effective versioning through tool integration
6682 / -1

Open Source Development with CVS Ссылки

Open Source Development with CVS

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (2)

The need for a modern source-code management strategy in the distributed open-source community is paramount. The benevolent dictatorship model of open-source maintainers is only quasi-stable, but it is far better than the other extreme: the chaos of democratic code development.

The best available compromise is the concurrent versioning system (CVS), which introduces proctored code merging into source code management. CVS is ideally suited for worldwide open-source development, and the world is ready for monographs that address the management issues that Per Cederqvist explicitly avoided in his fine 164-page postscript manual distributed with the CVS tar-ball. What is the role of a maintainer/manager in establishing test protocols for code merges? What minimal functional level of developer communications is necessary for merges to remain stable? Is a maintainer-less release possible?

These questions go largely unanswered in Karl Fogel's new Open Source Development with CVS. Fogel's 300-page book consists of chapters alternating between CVS basics and common code maintenance issues. He includes a few anecdotes from open-source lore and lots of nonspecific commonsense guidelines on team software development.

Fogel is at his best when he is engaging us in thinking about what should and should not be under CVS control. He points out that complex relationships exist between developing code and its dependencies on intimately related applications, such as build tools themselves (gcc, autoconf) or partner applications (e.g., the server's client or the client's server). His brief discussion of strategies is too short to be satisfying.

Frustratingly, this book is chock-full of postmodern self-indulgences, such as his boasting reverence for technological ignorance. The discipline needed by good maintainers is missing here; Fogel's informal prose is often grating, and his copious parenthetical remarks are distracting or bullying (they sure are); one wonders where his editor was. Ultimately, his management arguments boil down to an endorsement for the benevolent dictatorship model--a safe conclusion, but one that seems not to use CVS's merging capability for all it's worth. To the question of how to run a project, he responds, "Well, we're all still trying to figure that out, actually." True, and he isn't there yet, but at least he has the questions right. --Peter Leopold --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

The popular first edition was one of the first books available on development and implementation of open source software using CVS. The second edition explains how CVS affects the architecture and design of applications, and has been enhanced with more value-added material covering strategies, third-party tools, scalability, client access limits, and overall server administration for CVS.
3956 / 1

Essential CVS Ссылки

Essential CVS

БончБруевич БончБруевич, Комментарии (нет)

CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a tool that enables you to track changes to a set of files over time. CVS is commonly used in software development to allow multiple developers to coordinate changes, track versions, and permit simultaneous development of different versions of the same code.

This book is not just for software developers. It is for anyone who produces things that change. CVS can manage versions of anything that can be stored in files, so it is useful for programmers, system administrators, software architects, writers, graphic artists, and user-interface (UI) specialists. Outside the computing field, it can be used by authors, poets, managers, architects, engineers, accountants, and people running their everyday lives.

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