Game coding complete
Expertly presents, from start to finish, the process of programming
commercially viable computer games! This is the kind of book that you
won't let out of our sight. From page one, Mike McShaffry, a leading
programmer for Origin Systems (Makers of Wing Commander and the Ultima
series) and Microsoft (Bicycle Casino), shows you how to create and
code the very best interactive games. With dozens of tips and code
illustrations, plus extensive narration of critical non-code issues,
Game coding complete is the guide to orchestrating bug-free,
Game code that passes the muster of leading publishers
such as Electronic Arts and Microsoft. The book covers all critical
facets of programming, working with teams, selecting the right
architecture, testing and debugging, scheduling, and more. The book
includes hundreds of insider tricks and techniques used by programmers
who learned their craft on cutting edge titles such as Ultima Online.
The C++ language is used throughout to explain specific programming
concepts. This book is destined to become a classic for all
programmers. Foreword by
Game industry icon Warren Spector.
In this book you will learn:
* The nuts and bolts of the Game coding process
* Insider techniques for writing top-notch Game code
* 2D and 3D graphics techniques used by professional Game developers
* Unique insight on critical algorithms you can't live without, debugging secrets, and tips for managing critical projects
* Key "gotchas" to avoid that can really hurt Game development projects
With dozens of tips and code illustrations, plus extensive narration of critical non-code issues, Game coding complete
is the guide to orchestrating bug-free, high-quality Game code that
will pass muster with leading Game publishers such as Electronic Arts
and Microsoft. This book covers all critical facets of Game
programming, working with teams, selecting the right Game architecture,
code optimization, and more.
1. Описание на русском
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Литература / Разработка
03.06.2008 14:55
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