Practical Subversion, Second Edition (SVN)

Practical Subversion, Second Edition (SVN)

Practical Subversion, Second Edition draws on the experience of its authors, Daniel Berlin and Garrett Rooneyboth Subversion project membersto guide you through a complete introduction to this popular code management solution. And this edition has been updated to reflect the most recent changes to the popular Subversion version control system. After a crash course on Subversions key features, including a theme project that youre encouraged to follow, youll explore best practices, migration tips for moving from other versioning solutions, Subversion integration, and an overview of the Subversion APIs.

1. Линия разрыва

Effective developers and system administrators alike understand that their success is related to their ability to manage the dozens, sometimes hundreds, of files that they come into contact with on a regular basis. This file management includes determining a files changes over time, accommodating simultaneous edits by multiple users, and even reverting a file to an earlier version if a mistake or deletion has been made. Capitalizing on such capabilities requires a version control system like Subversion. Youll want to pick up a copy of this book because it is

  • The most up-to-date book on the popular Subversion version control system
  • Authored by two Subversion project contributors
  • More than a mere introduction, covering best practices, migration issues, and more effective versioning through tool integration
About the Author
Daniel Berlin works in Washington, D.C., for Google as a member of its technical staff and as a lawyer. Prior to his work with Google, Berlin was an advisory engineer with IBM Research in New York, where he worked on open source projects such as Subversion and GCC. He was responsible for a number of improvements to the source code base of Subversion, including a new delta storage algorithm and various caching improvements to the file system back end.

Berlin earned a law degree from the George Washington University School of Law and a bachelor of science degree in computer science from the University of Rochester.

Garrett Rooney is a software engineer on the version control team at CollabNet, where he works full time on Subversion and other related technologies. Rooney attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he managed to complete three years towards a mechanical engineering degree before coming to his senses and realizing he wanted to get a job where someone would pay him to play with computers. Since then, Rooney completed a computer science degree at RPI and has spent far too much time working on a wide variety of open source projects, most notably Subversion. He's also a member of the Apache Software Foundation, where he works on the Apache Portable Runtime and the Apache HTTP Server, as well as helps to maintain the ASF Subversion repository.

2. Описание на русском

Автор: БончБруевич
Категория: Литература / Разработка
Добавлен: 24.06.2009 19:08
Просмотров: 3443
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Прикрепленные вложения:
  • Practical Subversion, Second Edition
    Название: Practical Subversion, Second Edition (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
    Автор: Daniel Berlin
    Издательство: Apress, 17 November, 2006
    Язык: Английский
    Формат: PDF
    Размер файла: 2 Мб, страниц: 304
    Ссылка : Practical Subversion, Second Edition (Скачали 1057 раз(а))

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