C# Language Pocket Reference

C# Language Pocket Reference

No matter how good your Reference books are, you can't always stop to thumb through hundreds of pages to find the piece of information you need. Your answer is the C# Language Pocket Reference. Concise and easy to use, this handy Pocket guide to C# comes from the authors of C# in a Nutshell, and is a must-have quick Reference for anyone implementing this new object-oriented Language. The C# Language Pocket Reference offers the convenience of a quick Reference in a format that will actually fit in your Pocket. The book includes a guide to C# Language elements, a brief overview of the Framework Class library, a cross-Reference for namespaces and assemblies, a list of compiler syntax and switches, a regular expressions Reference guide, and more.

1. Об авторе

About the Author
Peter Drayton is an independent consultant, helping early-stage companies define and build systems that take advantage of technologies such as .NET, SOAP, XML, and COM+. Peter is also an instructor for DevelopMentor, where he teaches Essential C#.NET. Originally from Cape Town, South Africa, Peter now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Julie. He spends his spare time researching .NET and tinkering with a small flotilla of computers cluttering up their a partment. He can be reached at peter@razorsoft.com.

Ben Albahari is cofounder of Genamics, a provider of tools for C# and J++ programmers, as well as software for DNA and protein sequence analysis. He is author of A Comparative Overview of C#, a frequently cited comparison of C# with C/C++ and Java that was recently named by DevX as one of the top 10 .NET sites. Ben is a resident of Perth, Australia, and in his spare time enjoys composing music on his computer. He can be reached at ben@genamics.com.

Ted Neward is an independent software development architect and mentor in the Sacramento, California area. He is the author of a number of books, including Server-Based Java Programming (Manning), the forthcoming EffectiveEnterprise Java (Addison-Wesley) and Shared Source CLI Essentials (O'Reilly) and co-author of C# In a Nutshell (O'Reilly) with Peter Drayton and Ben Albahari. He is also an instructor with DevelopMentor, where he teaches and authors both the Java and .NET curriculum. He speaks frequently for technology user groups and writes technical papers for www.javageeks.com and www.clrgeeks.com. He currently labors on behalf of the University of California, Davis, architecting a rebuild of the Davis Accounting and Financial Information Services software system. Past clients include companies like Pacific Bell, EdFund, Synergex and Intuit.

2. Описание на русском

Автор: БончБруевич
Категория: С#, .Net / Разработка
Добавлен: 20.06.2009 02:51
Просмотров: 3783
Комментарии: 0
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Тэги: C#

Прикрепленные вложения:
  • C# Language Pocket Reference
    Название: C# Language Pocket Reference
    Автор: Peter Drayton
    Издательство: O'reilli
    Язык: Английский
    Формат: PDF
    Размер файла: 2 Мб, страниц: 128
    Ссылка : C# Language Pocket Reference (Скачали 957 раз(а))

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