Professional CodeIgniter, Thomas Myer
Chapter 1: Welcome to the MVC World
function is very simple, but it pays huge dividends to understand what is going
on. Here ' s what ' s going on in the
function, step by step:
The first line initializes the
array. You ' re not required to do this, but doing so is good
practice and is an effective way to avoid unnecessary carping by PHP if you end up returning a
null set at the end of the function.
null set at the end of the function.
The second line establishes a list of options that will be passed to the
method. In
this case, the options set are any status fields marked as " live " and any type fields marked as
" home. " The
" home. " The
method is built in to CodeIgniter and allows you to extract data from
a table while passing in an array that serves as the
clause in the SQL statement.
line is where the model extracts the data from the database table.
You need to pass in three arguments to this method:
The first argument is the name of the table.
The second argument is the list of options previously discussed.
The third argument is how many records you want to extract (in this case, the limit is set to 1).
After the query runs, use the
method to make sure you ' re getting back the number
of rows you want (in this case, anything more than zero) and then dump the fields from the
result set into an array with
result set into an array with
. In other chapters, you see how to loop through
multiple rows in a result set using
. In this particular example, each field from the
database gets placed into the
array that was initialized at the top of the function.
Finally, the function returns
and then frees the memory being used by the result set. It ' s
not necessary to do this, because PHP will clear out all result set objects when page execution
ends, but having numerous result set objects might slow down your application. It ' s a good
habit to get into.
ends, but having numerous result set objects might slow down your application. It ' s a good
habit to get into.
Now that you understand what ' s going on in the model, it ' s time to turn your attention to the controller.
Basically, everything you ' ve done in the model will become reusable data - fetching functions for the
controller ' s use.
Creating the Controller
Now that a working model is in place, it ' s time to create a controller. Controllers in CodeIgniter function
as the brawn of your application. Anything that a user can do on your site, including going to
destinations, should be represented in your controller.
First, here ' s what a standard controller would look like. Notice that in the following example the
controller is for the Page application you built the model for above:
class Page extends Controller {
function Page(){
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