Professional CodeIgniter, Thomas Myer
about_us, 68, 249
defined, 37
site factors, 3740
site factors, 3740
Active Record patterns, 5759
addCategory, 162164, 166,
addCategory, 162164, 166,
addPage, 239, 277
addProduct, 170171, 175, 211,
addProduct, 170171, 175, 211,
addUser, 180, 185, 269, 272
administrative dashboard,
administrative dashboard,
admin.css, 155158
controllers, 148149
folder for, 147
footer files, 155
header files, 155
home page, 153160
login, creating, 149153
logout function, 159160
requirements for site, 145146
view, 158159
controllers, 148149
folder for, 147
footer files, 155
header files, 155
home page, 153160
login, creating, 149153
logout function, 159160
requirements for site, 145146
view, 158159
admin screens
admin folder, 147
for colors, 213220
for newsletter, 254259
for page manager, 242247
security, 268272
for sizes, 220221
for colors, 213220
for newsletter, 254259
for page manager, 242247
security, 268272
for sizes, 220221
admins.php, 148
Agile, 2428
Agile, 2428
best use of, 24
development time, 2425
eCommerce site, example of,
development time, 2425
eCommerce site, example of,
information resources on, 25
Post-Agilism, 25
Scrum, 2628
XP, 2829
Post-Agilism, 25
Scrum, 2628
XP, 2829
recalculate, 40
Shopping Cart, 117118, 123
Shopping Cart, 117118, 123
ajax_cart, 117118
ajax_cart_remove, 123
ajax_msg, 117
anchor, 61, 63, 73, 138, 158
anchor_popup, 61
application folder, contents of, 48
arguments, database tables,
ajax_cart_remove, 123
ajax_msg, 117
anchor, 61, 63, 73, 138, 158
anchor_popup, 61
application folder, contents of, 48
arguments, database tables,
extracting information
from, 14
from, 14
Array helper, functions of, 60
results, convert to array, 17
results, convert to array, 17
array_values, 193
Authorize.Net, 297
auto_typography, 21, 61
Authorize.Net, 297
auto_typography, 21, 61
autoload.php options, 5253
helpers, 52, 60
models, 67
helpers, 52, 60
models, 67
backlog, Scrum, 2627
base_url, 61, 63
batchmode, 190193
batch mode operations, 189194
base_url, 61, 63
batchmode, 190193
batch mode operations, 189194
form elements, adding, 189194
products, updating, 192193,
products, updating, 192193,
batchUpdate, 192193, 278
benchmarking, 290293
benchmarking, 290293
Benchmarking library, functions
of, 54
process of, 291293
blogs, MVC application, example
of, 6
bodycopy, functionality issue,
JavaScript/cookies, checking,
non-GZIP browsers, 288
button(s), creating, 6263
caching, 288290
cache folder, contents of, 48
confirming cache, 290
setting up cache, 288289
confirming cache, 290
setting up cache, 288289
CakePHP, 912
benefits to use, 10
helpers/libraries, 12
models/model associations,
helpers/libraries, 12
models/model associations,
Calendaring library, functions of, 54
captcha plugin, 52
cascading style sheets (CSS).
captcha plugin, 52
cascading style sheets (CSS).
cat, 90, 93
categories, 8997
categories, 8997
admin/categories controller, 149
category ID, 9192, 192193,
category ID, 9192, 192193,
deleted, reassigning products
from, 206209
elements of, 34
export function for, 194196
home page, 160161
management of. See category
export function for, 194196
home page, 160161
management of. See category
management tools
mockups, 3133
models, 6566
navigation file, 74
redirect back to home page, 93
security, 273274
tables, 35, 64
view, creating, 9397
See also specific topics
models, 6566
navigation file, 74
redirect back to home page, 93
security, 273274
tables, 35, 64
view, creating, 9397
See also specific topics
bindex.indd 307
bindex.indd 307
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