Professional CodeIgniter, Thomas Myer

Chapter 1: Welcome to the MVC World

Comparing PHP MVC Framewor ks

When you look at CodeIgniter, Symfony, and CakePHP, you ' ll notice quite a few similarities. For
example, all three :

Allow you to create models that bind to a data source, views that display content, and
controllers that monitor user action and allow updates of models and views.

Use structured folders to separate your application ' s components from a central core.

Use configuration files to help you maintain vital metadata, such as the location of the database,
base URLs, and the like.

Use controller callback functions that are surfaced to the GUI. If the user clicks on a link that
opens /post/view/3, then the

callback function in the post controller is called, with the
ID of 3 passed to the model for data retrieval.

Allow you to extend the core code and build your own libraries and helper functions.

The next few sections provide an extremely concise summary of the differences between CodeIgniter,
CakePHP, and Symfony. The intent here is not to list every single difference among them, nor to proclaim
that any one MVC framework is better than the others. The intent is to discuss the differences briefly,
thereby giving you a more realistic appraisal of where CodeIgniter fits into the scheme of MVC thinking.

Making Life Easier for the Developer

CakePHP ' s automatic approach allows the developer to create web applications quickly. For example, the
automation allows a model to map easily to a database table. If you don ' t really care how things work
underneath, this approach can be strangely liberating. However, if you really want to understand what
is happening, you sometimes have to dig around in the core code.

Symfony took a page from Ruby on Rails, providing developers with a series of command - line tools to
help build admin panels, object - relational mapping schemes, views, and other niceties. Run a few scripts
and suddenly you have a surprising amount of work done for you.

CodeIgniter has a different approach. Just about all your work will be in the controller. That ' s where you
load libraries, extract data from the model, and pull in views. Everything ' s in plain sight, so it ' s easy to
keep things organized and troubleshoot problems if and when they occur. The drawback, of course, is
that beginners tend to create very general (and hence very fat) controllers that can become more difficult
to maintain as time goes on.


CakePHP automatically loads a model that matches the current controller. Yes, you can turn this off, but
many CakePHP development efforts leave in this admittedly useful feature. CakePHP also establishes all
the model associations for you, allowing developers to quickly pull in, for example, all comments
associated with a blog post after only minimal association on the developer ' s part. This approach
requires strict naming conventions for models, views, controllers, and database tables (not to mention
primary key and foreign key fields). It can get a bit frustrating to remember to use the singular form of
the database table for your model (your model is person , and the database table is people ), but it can all
be overridden. And yes, you can use raw SQL queries if you need to.
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