Professional CodeIgniter, Thomas Myer

Chapter 1: Welcome to the MVC World

The next step in MVC (no pun intended) occurred with the arrival of the NeXT operating system and its
software. NeXT was a company founded by Steve Jobs in the late 1980s that remained on the market
until the early 1990s, when it was purchased by Apple. The NeXT MVC developers found a way to
create ever more powerful views and ever more fine - grained Controllers (i.e., one could now track
mouse movements and click events). This meant evolving the notion of the " thin " controller to a " fat "
controller, as the controller took a more central role in the architecture. What ' s the difference? A thin
is one that does just the basics and relies on models and views to do most of the work.
A fat controller is the exact opposite, a software design choice that puts most if not all the processing
responsibility in the controller.

On the desktop front, languages like Cocoa (on Mac OS X) provided developers with an MVC
framework. The Cocoa MVC framework simplified the pattern by routing all messages through the
controller. The controller updated the model, received a notification from the model, and then updated
the view, thus mediating the flow of data.
With Sun ' s Model2 approach to MVC, controllers evolved again, mapping user requests to actions.
Model2 featured reusable (but stateless) views, fat controllers, and independent models. However, it
became quickly apparent that some of MVC ' s historically relevant functionality (such as views that
updated themselves after receiving a message from the model) didn ' t really map to the stateless request/
response world of HTTP.

But that didn ' t stop the emergence of MVC frameworks and languages for the Web. So far, there have
been Django, Struts, and most famously, Ruby on Rails. In fact, if you ' re a PHP developer, you ' ve
probably been watching the Ruby on Rails phenomenon with a mixture of curiosity and dread. It
appears from a distance that tools like Ruby on Rails allow small teams of developers to create web
applications in a tenth the time, with less debugging and fewer headaches. Ruby on Rails web sites have
slick interfaces, have easy to understand URLs (no more query strings!), and are generally more compact
and secure than the sites you ' ve been creating with your own custom PHP.

One overt design strategy for Ruby on Rails is the idea of " convention over configuration " -- in other
words, is there a way to create a set of defaults that works 80 to 90 percent of the time, thereby reducing
the amount of configuration you have to keep track of? This pervasive idea has been incorporated into
every single PHP framework, CodeIgniter included. The result has been an enormous amount of time
saving and effort reduction in development.

From the perspective of the PHP community, several difficulties remain with Ruby on Rails -- many
PHP programmers don ' t have the time or desire to switch to it, hosting is not as ubiquitous as with PHP,
and the strict database design conventions make porting legacy applications harder. All of these create
an understandable reluctance on the part of the PHP programmer to switch. After all, you create and
support PHP applications, and you don ' t feel ready to take on a brand - new programming language and
the learning curve associated with it. Even if the language is easy to learn, there are still many things
about it that you haven ' t mastered, and doing so on the client ' s dime seems wasteful and unethical.

Luckily for you, several PHP MVC frameworks have emerged in the past few years, among them
CakePHP, Symfony, and CodeIgniter. The next section provides a brief comparison of these three PHP
MVC frameworks.
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