Professional CodeIgniter, Thomas Myer

Chapter 1: Welcome to the MVC World
extend. Furthermore, MVC frameworks are usually pretty structured, allowing the developer to
concentrate on what ' s important to the client and the project at hand and not worry about other issues
that affect every project (such as security and caching).

The point here is not to chastise the programmer or call out deficiencies in his approach. Everyone has
been there and done that. The point is to show you a better way, inspired by a belief in the
transformative power of MVC, Agile methodologies, and CodeIgniter. Believe it: All these things working
together can radically change the way you work and interact with clients.

You ' ll get to CodeIgniter and Agile methodologies very soon, but for now it ' s time to focus on MVC
concepts. Once you have a strong foundation in the basics, the rest should progress naturally. As you ' ll
soon see, MVC has been around for the past 30 years but has become increasingly popular of late,
especially in the world of web development.

What ' s Model - V iew - Controller?

Model - View - Controller , as the name implies, is a design pattern that allows developers to cleanly separate
their code into three categories:


maintain data.


display data and user interface elements.


handle user events that affect models and views.
Figure 1 - 1 illustrates the relationship among the parts. The important thing to remember is that MVC
takes the user into account -- it begins with him or her. It ' s the user who clicks a link, moves the mouse,
or submits a form. It ' s the controller that monitors this activity and takes the appropriate action (such as
manipulating the model and updating the view ).
displayed for
interacts with

Figure 1 - 1
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6/10/08 5:29:57 PM

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