Professional CodeIgniter, Thomas Myer

Chapter 1: Welcome to the MVC World

In fact, a newbie programmer ' s first PHP page probably looks a lot like this one:
include_once "db.php";
$sql = "select * from pages where status='live' and type='home' limit 1";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($data = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
$title = $data-
$css = $data-
$bodycopy = $data-
$kw = $data-
$desc = $data-
?php echo $title; ?
link href="
?php echo $css; ?
" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/
meta name="keywords" value="
?php echo $kw;?
meta name="description" value="
?php echo $desc?
?php include_once "topnav.php";?
div id="wrapper"
?php echo $title;?
?php echo nl2br($bodycopy);?
?php include_once "footer.php";?

So far, so good, right? The pages render quickly; there ' s CSS for layout instead of tables, so it should be
easy to re - skin; and life is good. The newbie programmer figures that keeping the project small enough
means averting disaster. In fact, this first project does stay under a dozen PHP files in size and has one or
two JavaScript and CSS files and three or four includes. Everything goes well during development, the
project goes live, and the customer is happy.

Of course, the beginner programmer is usually blissfully unaware of some of the gotchas of this
approach. For example, since the SQL code to retrieve the home page doesn ' t have any exception
handling in it, what happens if the database is unavailable (or someone accidentally erases the home
page content from the DB)? The code is tied to mySQL at the moment. What if the customer changes
database servers at some point?

If these thoughts occur, they ' re usually put off. For now, everything works, and it ' s time to celebrate and
move on to the next project. " Besides, " the programmer thinks to himself, " you ' re using includes for the
important stuff, like database connections, global navigation, and footer content. Doesn ' t that make
the code more modular? "
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6/10/08 5:29:56 PM

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