jQuery in Action

jQuery fundamentals
Fortunately, and by design, jQuery makes it easy to extend its set of functions by
extending the wrapper returned when we call
. Let's take a look at the basic
idiom for how that is accomplished:
$.fn.disable = function() {
return this.each(function() {
if (typeof this.disabled != "undefined") this.disabled = true;
A lot of new syntax is introduced here, but don't worry about it too much yet. It'll
be old hat by the time you make your way through the next few chapters; it's a
basic idiom that you'll use over and over again.
means that we're extending the
wrapper with a function
. Inside that function,
is the collection of wrapped
ments that are to be operated upon.
Then, the
method of this wrapper is called to iterate over each element
in the wrapped collection. We'll be exploring this and similar methods in greater
detail in chapter 2. Inside of the iterator function passed to
is a
pointer to the specific
element for the current iteration. Don't be confused
by the fact that
resolves to different objects within the nested functions. After
writing a few extended functions, it becomes natural to remember.
For each element, we check whether the element has a
attribute, and
if it does, set it to
. We return the results of the
method (the wrapper)
so that our brand new
method will support chaining like many of the
native jQuery methods. We'll be able to write
$("form#myForm input.special").disable().addClass("moreSpecial");
From the point of view of our page code, it's as though our new
method was built into the library itself! This technique is so powerful that most
new jQuery users find themselves building small extensions to jQuery almost as
soon as they start to use the library.
Moreover, enterprising jQuery users have extended jQuery with sets of useful
functions that are known as plugins. We'll be talking more about extending jQuery
in this way, as well as introducing the official plugins that are freely available in
chapter 9.
Before we dive into using jQuery to bring life to our pages, you may be won-
dering if we're going to be able to use jQuery with Prototype or other libraries
that also use the
shortcut. The next section reveals the answer to this question.

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