jQuery in Action
Manipulating JavaScript objects and collections
6.3.2 Iterating through properties and collections
Oftentimes when we have non-scalar values composed of other components, we'll
need to iterate over the contained items. Whether the container element is a
JavaScript array (containing any number of other JavaScript values, including
other arrays) or instances of JavaScript objects (containing properties), the Java-
Script language gives us means to iterate over them. For arrays, we iterate over
their elements using the
need to iterate over the contained items. Whether the container element is a
JavaScript array (containing any number of other JavaScript values, including
other arrays) or instances of JavaScript objects (containing properties), the Java-
Script language gives us means to iterate over them. For arrays, we iterate over
their elements using the
loop; for objects, we iterate over their properties
using the
We can code examples of each as follows:
var anArray = ['one','two','three'];
for (var n = 0; n < anArray.length; n++) {
//do something here
var anObject = {one:1, two:2, three:3};
for (var p in anObject) {
//do something here
Pretty easy stuff, but some might think that the syntax is needlessly wordy and com-
plex--a criticism frequently targeted at the
plex--a criticism frequently targeted at the
loop. We know that, for a wrapped
set of
elements, jQuery defines the
command, allowing us to easily iter-
ate over the elements in the set without the need for messy
syntax. For general
arrays and objects, jQuery provides an analogous utility function named
The same syntax is used whether iterating over the items in an array or the
properties of an object.
Function syntax: $.each
Iterates over the items in the passed container, invoking the passed callback function for each.
(Array|Object) An array whose items or an object whose properties are to be
iterated over.
iterated over.
(Function) A function invoked for each element in the container. If the con-
tainer is an array, this callback is invoked for each array item; if it's an
object, the callback is invoked for each object property.
The first parameter to this callback is the index of the array element or the name
of the object property. The second parameter is the item or property value.
The function context (this) of the invocation is also set to the value passed
as the second parameter.
tainer is an array, this callback is invoked for each array item; if it's an
object, the callback is invoked for each object property.
The first parameter to this callback is the index of the array element or the name
of the object property. The second parameter is the item or property value.
The function context (this) of the invocation is also set to the value passed
as the second parameter.
The container object.
The container object.