jQuery in Action

the technical editor, Valentin Crettaz, casually drops this bomb: "So why don't
you have a section on jQuery?"
"J who?" I asked.
I was promptly treated to a detailed dissertation on how wonderful this fairly
new library was and how it really should be part of any modern examination of
Ajax-enabling client-side libraries. I asked around a bit. "Have any of you ever
heard of this jQwerty library?"
I received a large number of positive responses, all enthusiastic and all agree-
ing that jQuery really was the cat's pajamas. On a rainy Sunday afternoon, I
spent about four hours at the jQuery site reading documentation and writing lit-
tle test programs to get a feel for the jQuery way of doing things. Then I banged
out the new section and sent it to the technical editor to see if I had really gotten it.
The section was given an enthusiastic thumb's up, and we went on to finally
complete the Ajax in Practice book. (That section on jQuery eventually went on to
be published in the online version of Dr. Dobb's Journal.)
When the dust had settled, my frenzied exposure to jQuery had planted
relentless little seeds in the back of my mind. I'd liked what I'd seen during my
headlong research into jQuery, and I set out to learn more. I started using jQuery
in web projects. I still liked what I saw. I started replacing older code in previous
projects to see how jQuery would simplify the pages. And I really liked what I saw.
Enthusiastic about this new discovery and wanting to share it with others, I
took complete leave of my senses and submitted a proposal for jQuery in Action to
Manning. Obviously, I must've been convincing. (As penance for causing such
mayhem, I asked the technical editor who started all the trouble to also be the
technical editor for this book. I'll bet that taught him!)
It's at that point that the editor, Mike Stephens, asked, "How would you like
to work with Yehuda Katz on this project?"
"Yehenta who?" I asked...
Yehuda came to this project by a different route; his involvement with jQuery
predates the days when it even had version numbers. After he stumbled on the
Selectables Plugin, his interest in the jQuery core library was piqued. Somewhat
disappointed by the (then) lack of online documentation, he scoured the wikis
and established the Visual jQuery site (visualjquery.com).
Before too long, he was spearheading the push for better online documents,
contributing to jQuery, and overseeing the plugin architecture and ecosystem, all
while evangelizing jQuery to the Ruby community.

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